New portal for Change of Personal Circumstance (CPC) forms
UKSV has introduced a new process to allow CPCs to be submitted via the NSVS portal. You no longer need to download and email a copy of the form.
Ghana: call for bids for provision of mobile network services
The British High Commission in Accra is currently accepting proposals for the provision of mobile network services (CPG/7930/2022).
Future of Work Review: Matt Warman MP Response
A response to the Prime Minister on the Future of Work Review.
Independent Member for the House of Lords Appointments Commission
The Prime Minister has today confirmed the appointment of Harry Mount as an Independent Member of the House of Lords Appointments Commission.
50 first dates for Salisbury’s most eligible water voles
A colony of water voles moved from Salisbury to Ringwood has just had a population boom with 50 new males and females moving in to make the population viable.