Independent Member for the House of Lords Appointments Commission

The Prime Minister has today confirmed the appointment of Harry Mount as an Independent Member of the House of Lords Appointments Commission.

50 first dates for Salisbury’s most eligible water voles

A colony of water voles moved from Salisbury to Ringwood has just had a population boom with 50 new males and females moving in to make the population viable.

SLC is Preparing for Payment

Chris Larmer, Director of Operations, explains how SLC is preparing to make maintenance loan payments to students across the UK this September.

Brave, inspirational and selfless acts recognised with new Home Secretary commendation

Award for outstanding contributions in the field of home affairs by civil servants, members of police and fire services and members of the public.

Government launches climate change consultation for pension scheme

The consultation proposes more effective governance, strategy, risk management and targets for the assessment and management of climate related risks and opportunities for the Local Government Pension Scheme.