Charity Commission programme reaches new milestone as £1 million is delivered to Welsh communities

The regulator’s ‘Revitalising Trusts’ programme has released £1 million to directly aid charitable causes across Wales.

Orlando Fraser KC speech to the Charity Commission Annual Public Meeting 2022

Speaking in Cardiff, Orlando Fraser KC highlights the profound challenges facing charities at this time, sets out the Commission’s priorities during his Chairship, and unveils the regulator’s new 5-minute guide on charities …

£50 million to tackle health inequalities through research

First ever investment for local authorities to turbo-charge research into health inequalities affecting their local area

We urge UN member states to condemn the largest forcible annexation attempt since the Second World War: UK at UN General Assembly

Statement by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine

Bird flu – Latest situation: Chief Vet urges bird keepers to maintain biosecurity as housing order introduced in the East of England

All bird keepers should maintain strict biosecurity measures until further notice to keep their birds safe from avian influenza.