Chancellor sets new standards for environmental reporting to weed out greenwashing and support transition to a greener financial system

Certain large businesses will need to set out their green credentials to potential investors under new world-leading reporting rules outlined by the Chancellor today.

Animal medicine seizure notice: Parcel addressed to premises in Tandragee, County Armagh

Details of a seizure notice served following a parcel stopped at a Belfast Depot.

World Trade Organization General Council, October 2021: UK statements

UK representatives spoke on a variety of agenda items at the WTO General Council 7-8 October 2021.

Flags on UK government buildings to be half-masted

Following the death of Sir David Amess MP, flags on all UK government buildings will be flown at half-mast.

Visa penalties and new powers to speed up removal of illegal migrants

New powers will incentivise other countries to co-operate with the removal of those who have no right to be in the UK.