Nigel Huddleston speech on the launch of the Estimating and Describing the Impact Investing Market report

Minister for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society, Nigel Huddleston speaks at the launch event for the UK Impact Investing Market Sizing research.

Regulations making COVID-19 vaccination a condition of deployment to end

The legal requirement for health and social care staff to be double jabbed will be removed from 15 March

Sentence increase for man who attacked women and girls

A man who attacked his partner and two 13-year old girls has had his sentence increased under the ULS scheme.

Transparency data: CST register of members’ interests

The public appointments, personal and business interests, and political activity of members of the Council for Science and Technology.

Home Secretary statement on humanitarian support for Ukrainians

The Home Secretary has set out a bespoke humanitarian support package for Ukrainians in a speech to Parliament