A coherent and unified international response on Afghanistan is critically important

Statement by Fergus Eckersley, UK Political Coordinator at the UN, at the Security Council Arria formula meeting on Afghanistan

Entrepreneur prisoners bid to turn back on crime

Prisoners today (17 November 2022) pitched their business ideas to a ‘Dragons’ Den’ panel as part of a ground-breaking scheme to steer them away from crime.

Couple will serve increased sentences after referral to the Court of Appeal for cruelty to children

Both offenders will serve longer prison sentences for child cruelty following a referral of their cases under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme

Details of £500million discharge fund

Details have been published of how the £500million Discharge Fund will be given to help free up hospital pressures and reduce strain on NHS.

A57 Link Roads development consent decision announced

Today, 16 November 2022, the A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme) application has been granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Transport