Tax credits customers warned about scammers posing as HMRC

Tax credits customers are being urged to be on their guard for potential scams and fraudsters who claim to be from HMRC.

Data and dashboards

GAD is supporting the work of the government’s National Situation Centre. Actuarial skills provide timely analysis, modelling and quality assurance.

Change of British High Commissioner to Belize: Ms Nicole Davison

Ms Nicole Davison has been appointed British High Commissioner to Belize in succession to Ms Claire Evans OBE.

Iconic Spaghetti Junction turns 50 and shows how to pasta test of time

Motorists and businesses have today paid tribute to the iconic Spaghetti Junction as the road marks 50 years since first opening to traffic.

Meet the father and son duo keeping the iconic Spaghetti Junction safe as it turns 50

When it comes to looking after the iconic Spaghetti Junction, Italian father and son duo Michael Del-Giudice and Lewis know the perfect recipe.