Press release: Planned Israeli settlement: statement by Minister for Middle East

Minister Burt said:

The UK strongly condemns the Israeli government’s decision to establish a second new settlement deep in the West Bank in less than a year. These plans could involve the retroactive ‘legalisation’ of the outpost of Havat Gilad.

Settlements are illegal under international law and undermine the physical viability of the two-state solution. We call on both parties to refrain from actions which make peace more difficult.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

News story: Donald Kohn and Martin Taylor reappointed to the Financial Policy Committee

Donald Kohn will serve another three-year term on the Financial Policy Committee (FPC), and Martin Taylor a further 12-15 months, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond announced today (7 February 2018).

Mr Kohn has previously served as the former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Mr Taylor is Vice-Chairman of the Board of RTL Group and former chairman of Syngenta AG. They bring with them a deep expertise on finance, macroeconomics and monetary policy.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond said:

Donald Kohn and Martin Taylor have made a wonderful contribution to the Financial Policy Committee during their terms. I’m pleased that Mr Kohn will continue to be on the Committee for a further three years, and that Mr Taylor has agreed to stay on for at least another year.

I am confident that they will continue their good work in helping the Committee to identify emerging risks, taking action, and enhancing the resilience of the UK financial system.

Last year the Chancellor was informed by Mr Taylor that he did not wish to serve a further full three-year term, having already served nearly five years on the Committee and prior to that having been a member of the Independent Commission on Banking. At the request of the Chancellor and the Governor of the Bank of England, Mr Taylor has agreed to stay on the FPC for another 12-15 months. The Chancellor has therefore decided to reappoint Mr Taylor for a full term, but on the understanding that he will step down no later than June 2019.

Later this year, HM Treasury will launch a global search to identify two new external members to join the Committee in 2019. One member will replace Mr Taylor when he steps down, and the other will replace Richard Sharp whose second term expires on 31 March 2019. Mr Sharp is not eligible for a third term.

The Bank of England has also reappointed Alex Brazier, in his role as Executive Director, Financial Stability Strategy and Risk, for a further three-year term as a member of the Financial Policy Committee.

About the Financial Policy Committee

The FPC was established in 2013 and is a vital part of the government’s system of financial regulation.
The FPC is the UK’s macroprudential regulator: its objective is to protect and enhance the stability of the UK’s financial system by identifying, monitoring and addressing systemic risks.

The FPC works with the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to address risks to the financial system as a whole, while the PRA and FCA have responsibility for microprudential and conduct regulation of individual firms, respectively.

News story: GC team contributes to ongoing discussions on honey authenticity

Validating honey authenticity claims with regards to botanical source or geographical origin is a global issue. An EU Coordinated Control Plan on honey adulteration indicated that 38% of the 2,264 honey samples examined in the EU were non-compliant with authenticity criteria.

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) convened a Technical Round Table on Honey Authentication on 25 January 2018 to help in the fight against food fraud.

The meeting was opened by the Director of the JRC, Elke Anklam and was chaired by Franz Ulberth (Head of Fraud Detection and Prevention at JRC). It was attended by approximately 45 delegates from EU member States and included policy officials, academic researchers, Official Control Laboratory scientists, industry scientists and the Chairman of the UK Honey Association. Selvarani Elahi, Michael Walker and John Warren, from the UK Government Chemist team, attended and contributed to the meeting.

The meeting identified many technical areas where further work and clarity would be beneficial for the authentication of honey. These will be covered in a forthcoming note from the JRC.


During January, there were six new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port, four vessels remained under detention from previous months. A total of six vessels remain under detention at the end of January.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, and in compliance with the EU Directive on Port State Control (2009/16/EC as amended), the Maritime and Coastguard agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged vessels detained in UK ports each month.

  2. The UK is part of a regional agreement on port state control known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) and information on all ships that are inspected is held centrally in an electronic database known as THETIS. This allows the ships with a high risk rating and poor detention records to be targeted for future inspection.

  3. Inspections of foreign flagged ships in UK ports are undertaken by surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. When a ship is found to be not in compliance with applicable convention requirements, a deficiency may be raised. If any of their deficiencies are so serious they have to be rectified before departure, then the ship will be detained.

  4. All deficiencies should be rectified before departure if at all possible.

  5. When applicable, the list includes those passenger craft prevented from operating under the provisions of the EU Directive on Mandatory Surveys for the safe operation of regular Ro-Ro ferry and high speed passenger craft services (1999/35/EU).

Notes on the list of detentions

  • Full details of the ship.
    The accompanying detention list shows ship’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) number which is unchanging throughout the ship’s life and uniquely identifies it. It also shows the ship’s name and flag state at the time of its inspection.
  • Company.
    The company shown in the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) or if there is no SMC, then the party otherwise believed to be responsible for the safety of the ship at the time of inspection.
  • Classification Society.
    The list shows the Classification Society responsible for classing the ship only.
  • Recognised Organisation.
    Responsible for conducting the statutory surveys: and issuing statutory certificates on behalf of the Flag State
  • White (WL), Grey (GL) and Black lists (BL) are issued by the Paris MoU on 01 July each year and shows the performance of flag State.


Vessel Name: YASEMIN

GT: 4355

IMO: 9136836

Flag: Malta (White List)

Company: 1st Denizcilik Ltd

Classification Society: NKK

Recognised Organisation: NKK
Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and Place of Detention: 31st January 2018 at Southampton

Summary: Four deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18313 – Cleanliness Signs of vermin Yes
05105 – MF/HF Radio installation Not as required Yes
07420 – Means of escape Blocked No
16105 – Access control to the ship Not as required No

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018


GT: 6204

IMO: 9210335

Flag: Russian Federation (White List)

Company: JSC Maritime Trade Port of Khatanga

Classification Society: RMRS

Recognised Organisation: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and Place of Detention: 30th January 2018 at Grimsby

Summary: Sixteen deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
04114 – Emergency source of power – Emergency generator Not as required Yes
01316 – Cargo information Missing information No
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required No
10117 – Echo sounder Inoperative No
10115 – GNSS receiver/Terrestrial radio navigation switch Inoperative No
11101 – Lifeboats Not ready for use No
04103 – Emergency lighting, batteries and switches Inoperative No
11117 – Lifebuoys incl. provision and distribution Light missing No
18407 – Lighting (working spaces) Missing No
07199 – Other (fire safety) Other No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required No
18432 – Risk evaluation, training and instructions to seafarers Not as required No
18324 – Cold room, cleanliness, cold room temperature Not as required No
10101 – Pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Missing No
04106 – Emergency steering position communications/compass reading Inoperative No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018

Vessel Name: LIVA GRETA

GT: 851

IMO: 8801072

Flag: Latvia (White Flag)

Company: Aquarius Ship Management Co

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and Place of Detention: 16th January 2018 at Troon

Summary: Eleven deficiencies with one grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18425 – Access/structural features (ship) Damaged Yes
10111 – Charts Missing No
10129 – Navigation records Not as required No
01201 – Certificates for master and officers Not as required No
11116 – Distress flares Expired No
18401 – Medical equipment, medical chest, medical guide Expired No
01310 – Signs, indications Missing No
18416 – Ropes and wires Damaged No
03103 – Railings, gangway, walkway and means of safe passage Damaged No
03110 – Bulwarks and freeing ports Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required No

This vessel was released on 20th January 2018


GT: 3345

IMO: 7905285

Flag: St Vincent & Grenadines

Company: Seaway Offshore LLC

Classification Society: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and Place of Detention: 19th January 2018 at Sunderland

Summary: Fifteen deficiencies with one grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
16105 – Access control Not as required No
01214 – Enforcement by flag state Missing No
01137 – Civil liability for oil pollution damage cert Missing No
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Lack of information No
10116 – Nautical publications Missing No
18399 – Other (Accommodation, recreational facilities) Other No
07122 – Fire control plan Not updated No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
07109 – Fixed fire extinguishing installation Not as required No
18302 – Sanitary Facilities Not as required No
18324 – Cold room, cold room cleanliness, cold room temperature Inoperative No
14499 – Other (Marpol Annex IV) Other No
07114 – Remote means of control (opening, pumps, ventilation etc.) Machinery spaces Inoperative No
03108 – Ventilators air pipes, casings Corroded No
14108 – 15ppm alarm arrangements Inoperative No

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018


GT: 224

IMO: 7312402

Flag: Panama (White Flag)

Company: Hakvoort Transport Shipping BV

Classification Society: QRS

Recognised Organisation: QRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: N/A

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: N/A

Date and Place of Detention: 16th January 2018 at Dover

Summary: Twenty three deficiencies with eleven grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention  
01214 – Endorsement by flagstate Missing Yes  
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Missing Yes  
10111 – Charts Not updated Yes  
10116 – Nautical publications Not updated Yes  
10127 – Voyage or passage plan   Not as required Yes
01108 – Load lines (including exemption) Missing Yes  
11116 – Distress flares Expired No  
11117 – Lifebuoys inc. provisions and disposition Not as required No  
18417 – Anchoring devices Not properly maintained No  
18399 – Other (Accommodation, recreational facilities) Other No  
13101 – Propulsion main engine Not as required No  
02113 – Hull – cracking Cracked No  
11104 – Rescue boats Not ready for use Yes  
07199 – Other (fire safety) Other Yes  
04102 – Emergency fire pump and its pipes Not as required Yes  
07110 – Fire fighting equipment and appliances Not as required Yes  
18404 – Electrical Unsafe Yes  
04103 – Emergency lighting, batteries and switches Inoperative No  
18299 – Other (conditions of employment) Other No  
11113 – Launching arrangements for rescue boats Not as required No  
07113 – Fire pumps and its pipes Not as required No  
06199 – Other (cargo) Other No  
07118 – International shore connection Not as required No  

This vessel was released on 25th January 2018

Vessel Name: A2B ENERGY

GT: 3999

IMO: 9183427

Flag: Netherlands (White flag)

Company: Holwerda Shipmanagement BV

Classification Society: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and Place of Detention: 11th January 2018 at Blyth

Summary: Seventeen deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
10138 – BNWAS Inoperative No
03106 – Windows, sidescuttles and deadlights Not properly maintained No
10109 – Lights, shapes, sound signals Not properly maintained No
18407 – Lighting (working spaces) Damaged No
18425 – Access/structural features (ship) Not as required No
02114 – Bulkhead – corrosion Holed No
10105 – Magnetic compass Not readable No
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required No
18416 – Ropes and wires Not as required No
03108 – Ventilators, air pipes, casings Damaged Yes
18399 – Other (accommodation, recreational facilities) Other No
13103 – Gauges, thermometers, etc. Not as required No
18420 – Cleanliness of engine room Not as required No
04103 – Emergency lighting, batteries and switches Not as required No
14105 – Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements Not as required No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
07105 – Fire doors/opening in fire resisting divisions Not as required No

This vessel was released on 14th January 2018


Vessel Name: DOLLY C

GT: 652

IMO: 7222310

Flag: St Vincent & Grenadines (Grey List)

Company: No Information

Classification Society: No Information

Recognised Organisation: No Information

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: No Information

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: No Information

Date and Place of Detention: 29th November 2017 at Falmouth

Summary: Eight deficiencies with eight grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01209 – Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc Missing Yes
01214 – Endorsement by flagstate Missing Yes
07111 – Personal equipment for fire safety Missing Yes
01199 – Other (Certificates) Other Yes
11116 – Distress flares Missing Yes
05103 – Main installation Missing equipment Yes
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required Yes
14103 – Segregation of oil and water ballast Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018


GT: 3001

IMO: 9087312

Flag: India (Grey List)

Company: GOL Offshore Ltd

Classification Society: IRS

Recognised Organisation: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: IRS

Date and Place of Detention: 5th October 2016 at Aberdeen

Summary: Five deficiencies with five grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required Yes
07113 – Fire pumps and its pipes Not as required Yes
18203 – Wages Missing Yes
01220 – Seafarers employment agreement (SEA) Invalid Yes
18204 – Calculation and payment of wages No records Yes

This vessel was released on 27th January 2018

Vessel Name: SEA TRIDENT

GT: 964.

IMO No: 7393169.

Flag: PANAMA (white list)


Classification Society: Expired

Recognised Organisation: Expired

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC:

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC:

Date and Place of Detention: 17 June 2016, West Cowes

Summary: Seventeen deficiencies with seventeen grounds for detentions

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01101 – Cargo ship safety equipment cert Expired Yes
01102 – Cargo Ship safety construction cert Expired Yes
01104 – Cargo ship safety radio cert Expired Yes
01108 – Loadline cert Expired Yes
01117 – IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01119 – International Sewage Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01124 – International Air Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01137 – Civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage cert Expired Yes
01199 – Other certs (Certificate of class) Expired Yes
01201 – Certificates for master and officers Missing Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated Yes
10116 – Publications Nautical Not updated Yes
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Expired Yes
11116 – Distress flares Missing Yes
07109 – Fixed fire fighting extinguishing installation Not as required Yes
07110 – Fire fighting equipment & appliances Not as required Yes
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Missing Yes

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018

Vessel Name: CIEN PORCIENTO (General Cargo)

GT: 106.

IMO No: 8944446.

Flag: Unregistered.

Company: Open Window Inc.

Classification Society: Unclassed.

Recognised Organisation: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: Not applicable

Date and Place of detention: 4 March 2010, Lowestoft

Summary: Thirty deficiencies including seven grounds for detention

This vessel was still detained on 31st January 2018

Notes to Editors

• The MCA is a partner in the Sea Vision UK campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the sea and maritime activities. Sea Vision promotes the importance and economic value of the sector and works to highlight the exciting range of activities and career opportunities available to young people within the UK growing maritime sector at

• Follow us on Twitter: @MCA_media

For further information please contact
Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office, on:
+44 (0) 2380 329 401
Press releases and further information about the agency is available here.

Press release: Ministers welcome protection of 1 million more from high energy prices

  • Ministers welcome move by regulator to protect more vulnerable consumers
  • Move will now see a total of 5 million consumers protected by safeguard cap this winter
  • Government’s new energy price cap legislation will be introduced later this year

Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry today (7 February) welcomed the protection that 1 million more vulnerable consumers will get this winter from the extension of the energy regulator’s safeguard tariff cap.

With the cap in place, these consumers will only see an increase of around 3.7% in their bills compared to an average 8% increase of dual-fuel standard variable tariffs of the Big Six last year.

Ofgem’s extension of the current prepayment meter cap to those who receive the Warm Home Discount means 5 million people are now protected from unfair energy price rises.

The move comes as the government’s own energy Tariff Price Cap Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament shortly. The Bill will extend the price cap to the highest tariffs.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry said:

It is a positive step that a million vulnerable consumers are now being protected from unfair energy price rises through the energy cap.

But energy tariffs are still too high – customers of the Big Six energy suppliers are overpaying by up to a staggering £1.4 billion a year. This is totally unacceptable and why government will continue to go further – including by bringing in new laws in the forthcoming energy Tariff Price Cap Bill to put an end to rip-off standard tariffs.

Notes to Editors:

  1. More information on Ofgem’s safeguard tariff cap can be found here
  2. Based on Ofgem’s current typical domestic consumption values the new prepayment meter dual fuel cap will be £1089 from April 2018 compared to £1050 in April 2017, an increase of 3.7%. All figures include VAT.
  3. In 2017 the six largest energy suppliers increased their standard variable tariffs by an average 8% (based on a simple unweighted average).
  4. The latest figures from Ofgem show that 57% of the ten largest energy firms’ domestic customers were on standard variable tariffs and that the average customer could save over £300 by switching to a cheaper deal.
  5. The energy Tariff Price Cap Bill will give delegated powers to Ofgem to amend industry licences for the purposes of implementing and managing the price cap. The Bill will require Ofgem to place a price cap on all poor value standard variable tariffs.
  6. The government is committed to an energy market that works for all which is why we have put in place a series of measures, in addition to the planned introduction the Tariff Price Cap Bill. These include:
  • The rollout of smart meters, which will put consumers in greater control of their energy use and will save £300 million off bills in 2020 alone

  • ECO: Help to Heat which was launched in April 2017 will upgrade the energy efficiency of more than 300,000 homes a year, tackling the root cause of fuel poverty. This includes installing measures like including solid wall, cavity wall and loft insulation

  • Under the Warm Home Discount Scheme, 2 million low income and vulnerable households will be provided with a £140 rebate off their energy bill each winter

  • These proposals combined will see £770 million of support for low income and vulnerable households each year in 2017-2018.