Press release: PM bilateral meeting with President Varela: 14 May 2018

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister held a bilateral meeting with the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, at Downing Street earlier today.

They discussed the importance of the international community continuing to come together to uphold the global prohibition on the use of chemical weapons, particularly in the wake of the attack in Douma, Syria, and the attempted murder of the Skripals in Salisbury.

They discussed regional security cooperation, agreeing on the importance of our joint work to address cross-border threats including the trafficking of narcotics, people, contraband and counterfeit goods, and illicit finance.

They discussed joint anti-corruption efforts, and the Prime Minister noted the importance of seeing further progress in introducing anti-corruption legislation and criminalising tax evasion in Panama.

They also discussed education, noting the strong teacher training links between our two countries and the centrality of education to development.

Finally, they discussed trade, agreeing trade links between the UK and Panama would continue to go from strength to strength as the UK leaves the EU. In particular, they welcomed the approach agreed at the March European Council to provide continuity during the implementation period for international agreements, which could be swiftly transitioned into new bilateral agreements once the implementation period ends.

Speech: Call to refocus the UN Mission in Kosovo

Updated: professional title for Stephen Hickey should read “coordinator” and not “counsellor”

Thank you Madame President. And thank you SRSG Tanin for your briefing.

Madame President, in February, the UK celebrated ten years of diplomatic relations with Kosovo. In the same month, the European Commission adopted a strategy for ‘A credible enlargement perspective for the Western Balkans’. Kosovo’s opportunity here was not overlooked – through implementation of the Stabilisation and Association agreement, Kosovo has the opportunity to progress on its European path.

We welcome the significant milestones that Kosovo has reached since our last meeting, including the ratification of the Border Demarcation Agreement with Montenegro. Good neighbourly relations are a key feature of any European democracy, and are crucial for stability in the wider Balkans region.

We encourage both Serbia and Kosovo to continue to make progress towards a sustainable solution through the EU-Facilitated Dialogue. Progress is vital for stability, security and prosperity in the region, as well as in the two countries themselves. Provocative acts and rhetoric from both sides are deeply unhelpful and antagonistic.

Our priority in Kosovo remains strengthening the Rule of Law, and the challenges still remain. We welcome President Thaci’s public commitment to uphold Kosovo’s obligations through the Specialist Chambers. We also welcome the speedy appointment of Jack Smith as Kosovo’s Specialist Prosecutor, and the continuity this provides in the Specialist Chambers’ pursuit of justice for victims.

We note that Prime Minister Haradinaj has requested a review into the arrest and deportation of Turkish nationals. As a supporter of democratic values, Kosovo must continue to prioritise the Rule of Law and respect for international human rights in all its institutions.

Madame President, the investigation into the death of Oliver Ivanovic is clearly ongoing. We have been clear in our expectation that Kosovo’s rule of law institutions will lead a thorough and full investigation to bring those responsible to justice at the earliest opportunity. But equally, we expect Serbia to refrain from any provocations that could heighten tensions and support investigative efforts in an open and constructive manner.

Madame President, the hard work and dedication of thousands of UNMIK personnel has helped bring peace to Kosovo. The current situation is in part a result of their work. We also recognise Kosovo’s commitment to peace, stability, reconciliation and prosperity and the UK will continue to be a proud supporter of Kosovo as it strives to achieve its full potential.

Madame President, given the scale of the threats to international peace and security around the world right now, and the relative stability and progress on the ground in Kosovo, it is clearly inappropriate and inefficient for this Council to spend so much of its time discussing the situation in Kosovo and devoting so much resources to it. The United Kingdom joins other European members of this Council in firmly believing that the situation in Kosovo allows for a substantial reduction in the current cycle in reports and meetings. We further believe that the Security Council must refocus UNMIK’s efforts so that the means deployed by the United Nations are tailored fully to the situation on the ground. To this end, we look forward to a strategic review of the mission in due course.

Thank you Madame President.

News story: MOD launches biggest ever mental health awareness week with new confidential support for personnel on operations

This comes as the MOD announces a series of new joint projects with leading mental health charity Samaritans.

The initiatives, backed by £3.5 million in LIBOR funding, will build on the charity’s digital technology to offer military personnel at home and on operations abroad access to confidential support. Online and face to face training in listening skills will also be offered to serving personnel and families, in order to give them confidence and expertise in encouraging others to not suffer in silence.

As part of the partnership with Samaritans, a confidential webchat service is being developed allowing military personnel, who often live in shared living quarters, particularly when serving on operations abroad, the ability to talk in confidence with a trained staff. Pocket guides are also being produced which will provide information and emotional support for when people are in isolated locations, particularly on operations.

Samaritan volunteers with military experience will also be trained in how to address mental health issues in a military environment, based on cutting-edge research from King’s College London.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said:

We are absolutely committed to making sure that no one in our military suffers in silence.

I’ve stepped up our support for mental health in the Armed Forces, with an extra £2 million of funding a year and a new 24-hour mental health hotline.

I’m delighted to announce that personnel serving abroad will be able to access a new confidential system to help them in their time of need.

A range of events and activities will take place across the military and the MOD to mark Mental Health Awareness Week.

Civilian and military teams are being encouraged to use the week to hold conversations on mental health issues. Managers, using the recently launched Mental Health Guide for Managers, will also outline the support which is available across the MOD, including the recently launched Combat Stress 24-hour mental health hotline. Discussions on stress and resilience will be held on the MOD’s internal Defence Blog, the Land Warfare Centre will hold a wellbeing symposium and Joint Forces Command will also promote an online self-help programme available to personnel.

Minister for Defence People and Veterans Tobias Ellwood said:

We have long recognised the importance of treating the physical effects of battle but any invisible scars experienced by our brave service personnel were given less attention.

We are determined to change this and encourage a more open culture in talking about mental health. With our comprehensive mental health and wellbeing strategy, 20 specialist military mental health sites around the country, a 24/7 helpline and a partnership with the Royal Foundation, we are now far better placed to provide the comprehensive support our armed forces deserve.

As we mark Mental Health Awareness Week, I want everyone in the military to adopt the mindset that mental wellbeing matters just as much as physical health.

The Defence Secretary in February increased funding for Armed Forces mental health services to £220 million over the next decade and launched the new 24/7 Military Mental Health Helpline, in conjunction with Combat Stress. The new number – 0800 323 4444 – has already received over 350 calls.

The MOD currently has a network of 20 ‘hub and spoke’ mental health centres, comprising of 11 hubs and a further nine teams. Regular visiting clinics are also held at other military centres across the country.

Last year the MOD launched its Defence People Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy focusing on preventative measures to protect our personnel. MOD also partnered with the Royal Foundation, a charity set up by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, to improve training and education alongside the strategy to promote mental fitness.

There are a range of services provided by partners working with MOD and through the Armed Forces Covenant, including the NHS, other Government departments and charities, which serving personnel, veterans, and their families can access.

Press release: Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Presidente de Panamá comparten espíritu deportivo por la Copa Mundial

Updated: A few grammar corrections.

Hoy el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Boris Johnson, intercambió camisetas de fútbol con el Presidente de Panamá, Juan Carlos Varela.

El mes que viene, Inglaterra y Panamá se enfrentarán durante 90 minutos en la Copa Mundial, pero hoy están en el mismo equipo, enfocados en el bienestar de los seguidores que viajarán durante el torneo.

Los gobiernos de los 31 países clasificados han estado trabajando juntos para preparar la Copa Mundial, ayudando a las autoridades rusas a mejorar la seguridad de los aficionados de todos los países, incluidos el Reino Unido y Panamá.

Después de entregar la camiseta que la selección de Inglaterra lucirá en el partido del 24 de junio, el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores recibió agradecido una camiseta panameña. Esta será la primera participación de Panamá en una fase final de la Copa del Mundo.

El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores dijo:
“El mes que viene, Inglaterra y Panamá jugarán el uno contra el otro en la Copa Mundial, así que estaremos en lados opuestos durante 90 minutos.
Pero antes, durante y después de ese partido, compartimos una de las principales prioridades de la Copa Mundial: la seguridad de nuestros nacionales.”

Desde que iniciamos los preparativos hace más de dos años, nuestro personal ha visitado las 11 ciudades anfitrionas, ha trabajado en estrecha colaboración con las autoridades locales, se ha reunido con representantes de los 31 países participantes y ha lanzado nuestra Campaña Be On The Ball, que ofrece a los aficionados una guía especializada en la Copa Mundial y consejos para estar preparados para Rusia.

Esto incluye asegurarse de que tiene un seguro de viaje adecuado, los números de emergencia necesarios y la información sobre el ID del FAN. Por supuesto, también animamos a los aficionados a ser buenos huéspedes en Rusia y a permanecer atentos a las leyes y costumbres locales.

Se calcula que entre 4.000 y 10.000 aficionados ingleses viajarán a Rusia, donde el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores tiene representación permanente en tres de las 11 sedes de la Copa del Mundo (Moscú, Ekaterimburgo y San Petersburgo), y contará con un equipo móvil en las ciudades donde juega Inglaterra.

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ha estado asesorando a los aficionados que viajan a través de la campaña Be On The Ball.

El partido Inglaterra-Panamá tendrá lugar el 24 de junio en Nizhni Nóvgorod.

News story: London Seminar: Understanding outcomes, measures and metrics (3 July, 2018)

3 July, 2018


Nigel Ball │ Deputy Director│ GO Lab
Neil Stanworth │ Director │ ATQ Consultants & Fellow of Practice │ GO Lab

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