Press release: PM Meeting with Business Advisory Council: 4 June 2018

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

This afternoon the Prime Minister chaired the latest meeting of her Business Advisory Council at Downing Street.

The Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the Business Secretary opened the roundtable by updating on the Modern Industrial Strategy following strong support at the last meeting in March.

The business leaders gave their support for recent announcements, including the PM’s speech on science at Jodrell Bank Observatory last month. This speech set out four ‘missions’ associated with each of the Industrial Strategy’s four Grand Challenges – future of mobility, healthy ageing, AI, and clean growth. These missions will galvanise public and private sector investment in the development and dissemination of new solutions to global problems, positioning the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future.

The Prime Minister then provided an update on the negotiations with the EU alongside the Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, setting out plans to provide greater detail of the Future Relationship in a White Paper due to be published shortly. The business representatives expressed their support for this approach, which will build on information provided through the Prime Minister’s various speeches.

Finally, the Prime Minister invited the International Trade Secretary to discuss foreign investment into the UK and the opportunities and actions that Government and business should take to grow this in the coming years.

The meeting was also attended by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, Business Secretary, Greg Clark, the Brexit Secretary, David Davis and the Trade Secretary, Liam Fox.


  • Emma Walmsley, CEO, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, techUK President
  • Dave Lewis, Group Chief Executive, Tesco PLC
  • Sacha Romanovitch, CEO, Grant Thornton UK LLP
  • Robert Noel, Chief Executive, Landsec
    * Gavin Patterson, Chief Executive, BT Group PLC
    * Leo Quinn, Group Chief Executive, Balfour Beatty
    * Sir Roger Carr, Chairman, BAE Systems PLC
    * Dr Andy Palmer CMG, President & CEO, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd
    * Dame Helena Morrissey CBE, Head of Personal Investing, Legal & General Investment Management
    * Paul Drechsler, President, CBI
    * Stephen Martin, Director General, Institute of Directors
    * Sir Gerry Grimstone, Chair, Standard Life Aberdeen PLC

News story: Update to Parliament on breast screening incident

The update provides information on progress contacting the women concerned and arranging screening for those who have requested it. The statement also provides an update on the numbers of women affected and includes the terms of reference for the independent review.

In response to the statement, Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of Public Health England, said:

Our priority throughout has been the wellbeing of affected women and giving them the support they need.

I would like to reiterate our heartfelt and unreserved apology that this has happened. We welcome the terms of reference of the independent review and we will work fully with them to ensure it cannot happen again.

News story: World Environment Day 2018

As we move towards becoming a fully fledged environmental restoration company, World Environment Day gives us the opportunity to highlight the practical things we all can do to help.

Millions of us watched the unflinching pictures of the impact plastic waste is having on the world’s oceans in the BBC’s ‘Blue Planet II’.

Sir David Attenborough and team highlighted the avoidable waste and single-use plastic in our seas that is damaging the environment.

Calum Jack, graduate environmental advisor, Sellafield Ltd said:

The sight of a sperm whale trying to eat a plastic bucket is a devastating one and made me take a look at what I can do to make changes and reduce my plastic use.

Simple things I’m doing are buying loose fruit and veg instead of packaged produce, using bars of soap and shampoo instead of those in plastic containers, putting my sandwiches in a Tupperware container instead of wrapping them in cling film, getting my milk delivered in reusable glass bottles as opposed to buying plastic bottles, no longer using disposable razors.

And the call is for us all to consider our impact on the environment for this year’s World Environment Day (5 June) and World Ocean Day (8 June) as the theme for 2018 is beating plastic pollution.

There are more than 10,000 employees working directly for Sellafield, thousands more as contractors and in our supply chain. Just each of us making a small difference could have a huge impact.

We have become over reliant on single-use or disposable plastic with severe environmental consequences.

Did you know?

  • around the world 1 million plastic drinking bottles are purchased every minute
  • 500 billion disposable plastic bags are used worldwide every year
  • 50% of the plastic we use is single use

World Oceans Day aims for us to work together to protect and conserve our shared oceans. The theme of plastic pollution continues:

  • every year up to 13 million tons of plastic leak into our oceans
  • the plastic that ends up in the oceans can circle the Earth four times in a single year and it can persist for up to 1,000 years before it fully disintegrates
  • plastic also makes its way into our water supply and thus into our bodies.

The challenge is on for us all to do something to help take care of the environment. It can be at a local, national or global level; and be a team effort or solo contribution.

What can you do?

Here are some ideas:

  • reduce your use of single-use plastics: Refuse any single-use plastics that you don’t need such as bags, straws, cutlery, and cups. Instead take with you reusable versions of those products when possible.
  • recycle: Use the recycling bins provided at work and the council provided recycling boxes to segregate and recycle waste at home
  • participate: Consider helping with organised litter picks or beach clean ups
  • spread the word: Stay informed on environment issues and challenge others to be a part of the solution

News story: Scottish Secretary visits Glasgow School of Art to view Degree Show 2018 and Mackintosh restorations

During a visit to Glasgow, Scottish Secretary David Mundell visited the Glasgow School of Art to see some of the work from graduating students across the School of Design, School of Fine Art, Innovation School and the Mackintosh School of Architecture.

Among the projects on view was a touching illustrated book by Communication Design student Kaitlin Mechan. The book depicts the story of her grandfather’s experiences in the 51st Highland Division, who were captured by the German army at St Valery in 2014 and then held as Prisoners of War for 5 years.

In advance of the formal reopening in 2019, Scottish Secretary David Mundell also had the opportunity to see the restoration work of the iconic Mackintosh building which was almost completely destroyed in a 2014 fire. The UK Government recognises the importance of the Mackintosh building to the Glasgow School of Art as well as to the whole of Scotland, having contributed £10M in funding to the restoration project.

Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell said:

I was pleased to visit the Glasgow School of Art and see the opening of the Degree Show 2018, and meet with the students behind the art to hear about their briefs and how the scenery of Scotland inspired their work.

I was encouraged by the stage of the restoration works at the Mackintosh building, which the UK Government supported with £10M in funding. I look forward to seeing it again when fully open.

Press release: New head of the Serious Fraud Office announced

The Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC MP, has today (4 June) announced that Lisa Osofsky has been appointed as the new Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).

Lisa Osofsky brings a wealth of experience to the role, with over 30 years’ experience of focussing on financial crime in both the UK and US. Lisa began her career as a federal prosecutor pursuing white collar crime ranging from benefit, defence contractor and bank fraud to corruption, money laundering and drug conspiracy. In total she has prosecuted over 100 cases on behalf of the US Government.

Lisa’s career spans public and private sectors, including 5 years as Deputy General Counsel and Ethics Officer at the FBI, three years as Money Laundering Reporting Officer at Goldman Sachs International and seven years in the Corporate Investigation Division of Control Risks, where she advised on risk and compliance issues. Ms Osofsky will join the SFO from global firm Exiger’s London office, where she has led the firm’s investigative, compliance and assurance activities; these include assessing the money laundering and sanctions programmes of global financial institutions under orders imposed by prosecutors and regulators.

Her tenure will begin on 3rd September for a renewable term of 5 years. Lisa Osofsky will take over from Mark Thompson who was appointed as the Interim Director at the end of April. Mark will return to his role as Chief Operating Officer at the SFO.

Lisa Osofsky was appointed by the Attorney General after a rigorous and open competition, overseen by a Civil Service Commissioner.

Lisa will lead the SFO at an exciting time as the SFO works as part of a collective effort with its partners in the National Economic Crime Centre to tackle economic crime which is a priority for the Government. The SFO is in a strong position having recently secured five convictions for rate rigging offences relating to LIBOR and its first conviction after trial of a corporate entity for offences involving bribery of foreign officials. It has also obtained a number of high profile Deferred Prosecution Agreements, most notably in relation to Rolls Royce.

Commenting on the appointment, the Attorney General said:

I am delighted to announce that Lisa Osofsky will be the next Director of the SFO. Economic crime, at all levels, is a growing and changing threat and tackling it is a priority for the Government.

The SFO will continue to undertake crucial work to investigate and prosecute serious and complex economic crime, as an independent body that works closely and collaboratively with other UK and international authorities to best protect the public.

I have no doubt Lisa is the exceptional candidate we were looking for to lead the SFO at such a critical time. It is clear that economic crime is committed across national boundaries and Lisa’s experience of working at an international level will enhance the SFOs capabilities in this area.

Commenting on her appointment, Lisa Osofsky said:

I am honoured to be the next Director of the Serious Fraud Office. I look forward to building on the SFO’s successful record in the fight against economic crime and leading an emboldened SFO to even greater heights.

As set out in the Criminal Justice Act 1987, the Attorney General appoints the DSFO.

David Green’s term as DSFO ended on 20 April. This followed a 4 year contract that was extended for 2 years.

In April 2018, Mark Thompson was appointed as the Interim Director of the SFO. He will continue in this role until Lisa joins the SFO later this year.

Lisa Osofsky Biography:

Lisa Kate Osofsky will become the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 3rd September 2018. In this role, she will be responsible for all investigations and prosecutions for some of the UK’s most serious and complex fraud and bribery. A UK Barrister, US Lawyer and the former Deputy General Counsel and Ethics Officer of the FBI, Ms. Osofsky brings a distinguished career in both the public and private sector to the SFO.
Lisa Kate Osofsky serves as EMEA Regional Chair based in Exiger’s London office, where she focuses on financial crime and anti-bribery compliance, as well as the firm’s investigative operations.

Ms. Osofsky was previously the regulatory advisor at Control Risks. Before Control Risks she was the Executive Director of the Business Intelligence Group and the Money Laundering Reporting Officer at Goldman Sachs International, London. There, she advised GSI’s senior management, bankers and compliance officers on legal matters relating to money laundering, fraud and regulatory risk.

Preceding her time with Goldman Sachs, Ms. Osofsky was the Deputy General Counsel and Ethics Officer for the FBI. While there she managed white collar crime cases and investigations, focussing on operations, legislation and intelligence matters throughout the organisation.

Ms. Osofsky was also a Special Attorney in the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice and stationed at the Serious Fraud Office in London. Ms. Osofsky began her career in Chicago as a law clerk to federal judge James B. Moran; she then served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, prosecuting federal crimes ranging from financial, bank, defence and government contract fraud to public corruption and bribery. Before becoming DGC of the FBI, Ms. Osofsky served in DOJ’s Office of International Affairs, where she assisted with extradition and mutual legal assistance matters.


Ms. Osofsky received her Bachelor of Arts, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, from Amherst College, and holds a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School.

Pupil, 9-12 Bell Yard, London; qualified to practise as barrister in courts of England and Wales; Member of Middle Temple Inn of Court.

Affiliations, Awards and Civic Engagements:

Harvard Law School Leadership Council

Recipient of the U.S. Attorney General’s Award for Investigative and Trial Work

Bar Memberships:

Supreme Court of the United States; American Bar Association (ABA); International Bar Association; Trial Bar, Northern District of Illinois; Illinois State Bar; Bar of Northern District of Illinois; Bar of Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals; Bar of State of Maryland.

Dual UK-US Citizen