News story: Improvements to Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme

The popular productivity funding scheme, which help farmers to buy the equipment they need to boost productivity, save time and increase yields.

The scheme has proved popular so far, with more than 3,500 grants worth £23.5 million being awarded to successful applicants.

However, Defra is aware that some farmers are experiencing issues with the delivery of their items in the first round of funding within the scheme’s 150 day deadline.

From today, farmers who purchase their equipment and submit their claims within the 150 day deadline can take delivery of their equipment after the 150 days and will receive payment once the item has been delivered.

Defra will also be opening a second round of funding, due to open in the Autumn, giving farmers who withdrew their applications, the option to have it reinstated now or in the next round. The Rural Payments Agency will be contacting grant recipients who have an offer for livestock handling equipment but have withdrawn because of issues with livestock handling equipment, to inform them of this option. Any other supply issues should be discussed with the RPA separately.

Most of the items offered through the scheme are readily available from different stockists, so applicants are encouraged to shop around when looking for items so that they can claim as quickly as possible.

More detail on the second round of grants will follow in the coming months. For more detail on the Countryside Productivity Scheme please see here.

News story: More police and crime commissioners to be given fire authority voting rights

Under the changes coming into force in the autumn, it will be possible for all police and crime commissioners (PCCs) to be represented on their local fire and rescue authority (FRA), subject to the consent of the FRA.

This means PCCs can have voting rights on important decisions made in relation to their local fire and rescue services. This could include matters such as finances and staffing.

It is for individual FRAs to decide whether to grant membership if a PCC makes a request. In interests of transparency FRAs will be required to publish their decisions.

Minister for Policing and the Fire Service, Nick Hurd, said:

By working closer together, police and fire and rescue services can share best practice and innovative thinking to improve the services provided to local people.

These changes mean that all locally elected police and crime commissioners can be given a seat at the table of their local fire and rescue authority – meaning every area in England is able to reap the rewards of collaboration.

Voting rights provisions already apply to county and metropolitan FRAs and the government believes that the same level of transparency should be extended to the 23 combined FRAs across England, which cover more than one local authority area.

The move follows a consultation launched in 27 November on the proposals. The responses showed 91% of affected fire authorities backed the move.

Two FRAs were found to have objections, and the government is exploring their specific concerns to determine whether the representation model can be applied to them.

News story: Certification Officer: amendments to the lists

Updated: Scottish Colliery Enginemen Boilermen and Tradesmen’s Association has been removed from the schedule of trade unions as it ceased to be a trade union on 1 March 2018.

7 June 2018

Scottish Colliery Enginemen Boilermen and Tradesmens Association has been removed from the schedule of trade unions as it ceased to be a trade union on 1 March 2018.

9 May 2018

Change of Name: Retained Firefighters Union to Fire and Rescue Services Association.

The Certification Officer has approved an application from Retained Firefighters Union to change its name to Fire and Rescue Services Association with effect from 9 May 2018.

7 February 2018

Change of Name: Leeds Building Society Staff Association to Leeds Building Society Colleague Association.

The Certification Officer has approved an application from Leeds Building Society Staff Association to change its name to Leeds Building Society Colleague Association with effect from 7 February 2018.

5 February 2018

Association of Somerset Inseminators has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it ceased to exist on 1 September 2017.

9 January 2018

National Union of Mineworkers (Northumberland Area) has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it ceased to exist on 30 November 2017.

3 November 2017

Confederation of British Surgery has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 3 November 2017.

21 September 2017

CU Staff Consultative Group has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 21 September 2017.

4 September 2017

Welsh Local Government Association was added to the list on 12 June 2017.

1 September 2017

As a result of an amalgamation between the two unions, Association of Teachers and Lecturers and National Union of Teachers have been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer. The new, amalgamated, union, National Education Union, has been added to the list.

21 August 2017

Change of Name: Graphic Enterprise Scotland to Print Scotland

The Certification Officer has approved an application from “Graphic Enterprise Scotland” to change its name to “Print Scotland” with effect from 21 August 2017.

21 August 2017

Ellington Branch of the North East Area of the National Union of Mineworkers has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it ceased to exist on 21 August 2017

2 August 2017

Change of Name: National Association of Stable Staff to National Association of Racing Staff

An application to change the name of National Association of Stable Staff to National Association of Racing Staff was approved on 2 August 2017.

22 May 2017

National Union of Mineworkers (Scottish Area) has been removed from the schedule of trade unions as it ceased to be a trade union on 22 May 2017

24 April 2017

Fencing Contractors Association has been removed from the schedule of employers’ associations maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 31 December 2016

20 March 2017

Lancaster Morecambe and South Lakeland Master Plumbers Association was removed from the List of Employers’ Associations with effect from 17 March 2017 as it ceased to be an Employers’ Association

15 September 2016

Pursuant to section 4 of the Trade Union and Labour (Relations) Consolidation Act 1992 (“the 1992 Act”), the Certification Officer removed the National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers from the list of trade unions on the grounds that it is no longer a trade union within the meaning of the 1992 Act (Listings Decision: National Association of Colliery Officials Deputies and Shotfirers (CO/L/2/16-17)).

24 August 2016

Society of Local Council Clerks has been removed from the schedule of trade unions as it ceased to be a trade union on 17 August 2016.

18 August 2016

The Certification Officer has approved an application from “Cinema Exhibitors Association Ltd” to change its name to “UK Cinema Association Ltd” with effect from 18 August 2016.

18 August 2016

Shield Guarding Staff Association has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 21 May 2016.

17 August 2016

Association of Local Council Clerks has been entered on the schedule of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 16 August 2016.

24 June 2016

National Union of Mineworkers (Leicester Area) removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer following a decision by the Certification Officer that it was no longer a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (Listings Decision: National Union of Mineworkers (Leicester Area) (CO/L/16-17)).

11 May 2016

Whatman International Staff Association has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 9 October 2015.

30 March 2016

Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union (CAIWU) has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 16 March 2016.

16 March 2016

The Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 31 December 2015.

18 November 2015

The Union of Country Sports Workers has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 30 June 2015.

1 October 2015

The Bus Workers Alliance has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 29 May 2015.

3 September 2015

The Certification Officer refused the application by Equal Justice to be entered in the list of trade unions (Listings decision: Equal Justice).

11 August 2015

The Federation of Professional Railway Staff has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 30 June 2015.

11 August 2015

The Pop-Up Union has been removed from the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer. The Certification Office last had contact with the Pop-Up Union in May 2013, when it was entered on the list of trade unions. Since then all attempts at contacting the organisation have been unsuccessful. It appears that the Pop-Up Union had ceased to exist by the end of 2013. In the circumstances it never came under a duty to supply this office with an annual return.

30 July 2015

British Ceramic Confederation has been removed from the schedule of employers’ associations held by the Certification Officer with effect from 30 July 2015 because it is no longer an employers’ association.

25 June 2015

The Certification Officer has approved an application from “Local Government Yorkshire and Humber” to change its name to “Yorkshire and Humber (Local Authorities) Employers’ Association” with effect from 25 June 2015.

22 May 2015

National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers (South Wales Area) has been removed from the schedule of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 22 May 2015.

6 May 2015

The Certification Officer has approved an application from “Whatman Staff Association” to change its name to “Whatman International Staff Association” with effect from 6 May 2015.

16 April 2015

European SOS Trade Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 13 April 2015.

26 February 2015

Newspaper Society has been removed from the list of employers’ associations maintained by the Certification Officer because it ceased to exist on 16 June 2014.

9 February 2015

Equality For Workers Union (EFWU) has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 09 February 2015.

20 January 2015

R&C Trade Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 20 January 2015.

19 November 2014

Driver and General Union has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 18 November 2014.

3 November 2014

Artists’ Union England has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 3 November 2014.

29 October 2014

Driver and General Union has been entered on the schedule of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 29 October 2014.

22 October 2014

Aberdeen Fish Curers & Merchants Association Ltd has been removed from the schedule of employers’ associations maintained by the Certification Officer because it dissolved on 19 September 2014.

13 August 2014

Artists’ Union England has been entered in the schedule of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 1 August 2014.

29 July 2014

PTSC has been entered on the list of trade unions held by the Certification Officer with effect from 29 July 2014.

22 July 2014

London Fish Merchant Association (Billingsgate) Limited has been removed from the schedule of employers’ associations held by the Certification Officer with effect from 22 July 2014 because it is no longer an employers’ association.

4 July 2014

Covent Garden Tenants Association Ltd has been removed from the schedule of employers’ associations held by the Certification Officer with effect from 2 July 2014 because it is no longer an employers’ association

Press release: Foreign Secretary statement on US-DPRK summit

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

We welcome that President Trump and Kim Jong Un have held a constructive summit. This is an important step towards the stability of a region vital to global economic growth and home to thousands of British Nationals and important UK interests.

The reaffirmation of North Korea’s commitment in the Panmunjom Declaration to work towards complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula is a signal that Kim Jong Un may have finally heeded the message that only a change of course can bring a secure and prosperous future to the people of North Korea.

There is much work still to be done and we hope Kim continues to negotiate in good faith towards complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation. The UK will continue to support the United States in its efforts to achieve denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Speech: Harriett Baldwin speech at Private Equity Africa Investor Summit

Thank you so much for that very kind introduction and for giving me this platform to speak to a room of investors in Africa.

As a former investment manager myself I am really excited now in my new role to be able to share with you the point of view of the UK Government in terms of working across this vast and exciting continent.

Because Africa really matters. And Africa really matters to the UK.

The UK and Africa – with our long-standing bilateral friendships – share common interests in inclusive growth, in increasing trade and investment, and in resilient economic partnerships that will help make people in the UK and people in Africa healthier, more secure, and more prosperous.

African success, in the form of better governance, greater peace, growing prosperity, stimulates a virtuous circle, for us here in the UK as well.

Together the UK and our African partners can advance our shared economic interests with a stronger focus on inclusive growth, trade, investment and economic partnerships.

Of course, rising prosperity is a virtuous circle. It has the
power to create an environment that’s more conducive to trade, creating the jobs that enable people to work, do business and fulfil their potential – helping communities and countries move into a future free from a dependence on aid.

And, of course – when our African partners are prosperous and trading, this has many benefits here in the UK.

Huge strides have been made across the continent over the last few decades – these have helped to reduce poverty, reduce hunger and conflict, and improve education, health and democracy.

According to Africa In Data, literacy rates have risen dramatically for the younger generation across Africa and startlingly between 1950 to 2015, life expectancy in Africa has increased from 36 to 61 years.

But there are still significant challenges to overcome and vast potential to unlock.

On current trends, the populations of some African countries are expected to rise rapidly in the next few decades. And this can provide a fantastic opportunity to generate economic growth. But if Africa’s youth cannot find decent jobs that improve their life-chances, we risk economic stagnation and social instability.

And so it is imperative that we support the ambitions of our partners across Africa to develop economies, build opportunities, and create the millions of jobs needed for the growing numbers of young people entering the job market every year.

As the UK Prime Minister said at last year’s G20, we want long-term partnerships which support African countries’ aspirations for trade, for investment, for jobs and growth.

It’s about working with our partners across Africa to marry the UK’s strengths to the continent’s needs and ambitions.

To realise that potential we all need to work together to stimulate investment, create jobs, and bank the progress already made – placing particular emphasis on building markets in the growing number of middle-income countries in Africa, and others that are approaching that status.

All of these things will be vital if African countries are to fully realise the vision of the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals. These United Nation goals are the blueprint for a better future. They include ambitions spanning universal access to electricity and clean water, good health and a quality education for all, and – above all – more jobs.

Unlocking, mobilising and facilitating finance and investment is going to be crucial in achieving those goals – and British expertise in investment and finance offers a clear advantage to our African partners.

Estimates suggest that an additional $2.5 trillion of investment per year is needed to make real progress towards those goals. To put that into perspective, total overseas development assistance to all developing countries in the world was just $130 billion last year.

At the same time, there are an estimated $12 trillion worth of investable opportunities and 380 million new jobs that can be supported by 2030. This brings enormous opportunities to the private sector.

And that is why we in the UK are focussed on unlocking investment opportunities and flagging them to business.

It is also why we are helping to mobilise more resources, by increasing access to export finance and development finance – you’ll be hearing more from CDC, our private investment arm, later on today.

We know that private equity is a vital source of financing for growing businesses, yet the total fundraising into the African private equity market in 2016 was just $1.6 billion.

This is less than 1% of the total UK financial flows into Africa. I think you will agree that there is clearly room for growth for the private sector and for private equity.

The good news is that we can see healthy signs of investor interest and an appetite for investment opportunities that make a difference to people’s lives: 12% of impact investing is in Sub-Saharan Africa and it is growing.

The CDC – which is very much one of the UK’s best kept secrets, established some 70 years ago by Lord Reith and funded by the UK taxpayer – has an initial $12 million investment in M-KOPA, for example, and M-KOPA’s ability to raise a further $80 million in debt highlights the attractiveness of certain sectors in Africa.

But sustainable growth requires much more than one-off transactions: investors need to be prepared to be in it for the long term.

We are confident that the kind of sustainable returns sought by institutional investors can be met by the growth and diversity of the African continent.

But I can’t emphasise enough how important it is that investments are responsible, mutually beneficial, and that they support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

That is why we are supporting Aviva, the Index Initiative and the UN Foundation to establish the Sustainable Development Goal Index.

This will rank companies on their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and will provide insights that companies themselves are seeking on their own impact. A key objective of our support for this initiative is that it builds on the best of the reporting already available and only suggests new benchmarks where there is a current lack of existing market information.

We are also developing new and flexible approaches to collaborating with business around the Sustainable Development Goals. The Business Partnerships Fund supports initiatives that generate commercial value whilst also improving the lives of poor people.

The fund is working with Pearson to pilot a mentoring programme in South Africa to help young people build skills and find secure jobs. And in Malawi we are collaborating with Unilever and Sainsbury’s to pilot the use of Blockchain in the tea sector, helping companies to verify the source of their tea and help farmers to secure credit and demonstrate the viability of their businesses.

Put simply: Global Britain wants to develop modern, energetic and mutually beneficial partnerships across Africa. This is an historic moment in a conversation between UK government and investors about how we can best support the objectives and ambitions of nations and businesses in Africa.

We are working across Government to mobilise private investment into Africa in three key ways:

First, we are working with African partners to address risks, and improve the investment climate by encouraging regulatory reforms, tackling corruption, boosting transparency, and reducing the costs of cross-border trade.

For example, our support for reforms in Nigeria has helped the country climb 24 places in the 2018 Ease of Doing Business rankings.

On the other side of the continent, we have funded the TradeMark East Africa programme, which has significantly reduced the time it takes to clear and transport cargo through Mombasa port and beyond, encouraging trade in and out of the country.

The second thing we are doing is to leverage the capital and expertise of the City of London to help deliver our development objectives.

UK Aid has funded work by the Climate Bonds Initiative to develop green bonds markets in Kenya and Nigeria; and work by the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment to introduce professional certification across Africa.

And at the Commonwealth Summit in April, the Development Secretary announced a package of new initiatives to deepen our partnership with the City. This included learning partnerships between the Bank of England and central banks in Sierra Leone, in Ghana and South Africa, as well as funding to help developing countries access global capital markets in their own currencies, building on the success of the Masala Bond market here in London.

Third – we are mobilising investment in Africa by putting our money where our mouth is and investing in challenging markets and new sectors ourselves, by providing new capital channelled through CDC.

CDC currently has a portfolio of £2 billion in Africa and has targeted its capital at the sectors that promote local business and support participation in global value chains.

To date it has invested £75 million of equity in African impact funds. That may not sound like very much to those of you sitting here today, but it is building the capacity to channel investment towards young, growing African businesses with strong social impact.

The Sustainable Development Goal investment gap that I mentioned earlier is most obvious in infrastructure, which is where we all know there is vital need to growing the private sector.

And that is why DFID is the largest investor in the Private Infrastructure Development Group, shortened to the unlovely acronym of PIDG. PIDG has invested nearly £1.5 billion in Africa since 2012 to support newer, higher risk projects, and to attract private capital to fill critical infrastructure gaps.

These efforts are creating that vital infrastructure to support the growth of other industries. Getting the basics like transport and electricity up and running will allow investments to flow through to other economically productive sectors.

The Department for International Development is already supporting these other productive sectors, especially through our wide range of research investments – from solar fridges, to mobile money, to ‘scuba rice’. These are all brilliant inventions from Global Britain’s brilliant boffins that can be taken up and commercialised by investors like you.

So, in conclusion, the UK Government is fully committed to supporting economic development across Africa. Our approach is guided by the needs and ambitions of the individual countries, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

You will certainly see Global Britain’s footprint expanding in Africa in the next decade. Helping to mobilise private sector investment – including by mitigating some of the remaining challenges to investors – is a central part of our strategy, because we know that it will play an absolutely critical role in Africa’s success.

Global Britain is the world’s meeting place for the world’s investors and the world’s greatest investment opportunities.

We are confident that investing in Africa makes sense from a hard-headed business perspective. And I hope that today will encourage more of you to join us in supporting growing prosperity in Africa.