Press release: £20 million investment to help tackle loneliness

  • Funding will support charities and community groups to bring people together
  • The money will go to support programmes that are proven to benefit individuals and society
  • Hundreds of thousands of people will be helped to make connections in their communities

Charities and community groups will get £20 million of new funding to help isolated people and those suffering from loneliness, Prime Minister Theresa May said today.

The funding will go to support and expand programmes that bring people together and are proving to benefit communities.

This includes a new £11 million ‘Building Connections Fund’ that will be distributed to successful applicants that can help bring communities together. This will help make the most of local spaces, opening them up for community use, as well as help businesses and local services combat isolation. It will also fund projects that use technology to link those in remote areas and help improve transport connections to make face-to-face contact easier.

It will support groups to understand the impact of their work and share best practice about how to prevent loneliness.

The fund has been created as a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund and the government – who have equally pledged £5 million – and the Co-op Fundation, who has allocated £1 million to tackle loneliness among young people

In addition to this new fund, People’s Postcode Lottery has committed £5 million of players money to top up existing grants it has given to charities that combat loneliness. The Health Lottery will give out £4 million to charities that work to improve social links in disadvantaged areas across England.

Prime Minister, Theresa May, said:

Feeling lonely or isolated can have a profound and devastating impact on people’s lives – it can affect anyone of any age and from any background. But just as loneliness can affect any of us, so any of us can help to overcome it.

The new funding set out today will make a big difference, helping more people to establish and maintain connections. This will build on work already going on, including through the second Great Get Together this weekend, which will see people up and down the country celebrating the strength of their communities.

This is just part of Jo Cox’s legacy, and I am determined we continue to take this forward. That’s why we need to do all we can to tackle loneliness, and our forthcoming strategy will build on today’s funding.

Tracey Crouch, Minister for Sport and Civil Society, said:

Tracey Crouch, Minister for Sport and Civil Society, said:

This funding will support charities across the country that are fighting against loneliness. It will help improve people’s lives and create a shared society for the future.

I am incredibly grateful to our funding partners for their support. There is no single solution to this issue, but together we will reduce stigma around loneliness and build on Jo Cox’s legacy.

Funding applications for the Building Connections Fund will open from July 2018 with grants available until the end of December 2020.




Dawn Austwick, Chief Executive of the Big Lottery Fund, said:

As the largest funder of community activity in the country we support thousands of initiatives across the UK each year which enable people to build new friendships and celebrate community spirit. This sits at the heart of the National Lottery and we are delighted to partner with Government and the Co-op to deliver funding that will build a greater sense of belonging and happiness in communities.

Jamie Ward-Smith, Chair of the Co-op Foundation, said:

The Co-op Foundation is working to connect and empower 5,000 young people to tackle loneliness in their communities. Our new match funding partnership with the Government, announced today, will help us build on this, extending our network of partners and reaching even more young people. We believe youth loneliness is best tackled at community level, by working with young people to overcome the stigma around this issue and helping them shape their own solutions.

Allan Leighton, Chair of the Co-op, said:

The Co-op knows through its own research that loneliness is not the preserve of the elderly, it can affect people at different life stages. Through my involvement with the Co-op Foundation I’ve seen how it has brought attention to the widespread, but long-overlooked issue of youth loneliness. I’m delighted that the Foundation is partnering with the Government on the Building Connections Fund, to invest £2 million in projects that bring young people together, develop their skills and help them get more involved in positive activities. Through this we will learn more about what works in tackling some of the root causes of long-term loneliness, helping young people live healthier, happier lives.

Clara Govier, Managing Director of People’s Postcode Lottery, said:

Despite being more digitally connected than ever, we are facing a dire epidemic of loneliness with far reaching consequences for people’s health and mental wellbeing.’

Thanks to grant-giving trusts supported by supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, a £5 million fund has been created to benefit charities working towards more connected communities. This will tackle the issues behind loneliness which affect so many people across Great Britain.’

John Hume, Chief Executive for People’s Health Trust who distribute funds for the Health Lottery said:

Social connections not only have an impact on reducing the risk of dying younger but they can also help people to recover quicker when they do become ill. That is why it is so important to support marginalised local people and communities to come together and build social links and ties.

We’re grateful to players of the Health Lottery who have helped provide these vital funds and we’re looking forward to working with fellow funders and the Government in addressing this important issue.

Kim Leadbeater, Jo’s sister, on behalf of the Jo Cox Foundation said:

Tackling loneliness was an issue dear to Jo’s heart. She began work on setting up a Loneliness Commission almost as soon as she was elected to parliament. She would be so proud to see how much progress has been made in recognising the importance of building stronger and better connected communities to help reduce the terrible damage done by loneliness. I’m particularly pleased that this significant funding announcement is being made in the week that we remember my sister’s murder two years ago and celebrate the values she lived by with The Great Get Together this coming weekend.

The government’s work will be led by Tracey Crouch, who was appointed the ministerial lead on loneliness in January 2018, following the report of the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness in December 2017.


Big Lottery Fund uses money raised by National Lottery players to help communities achieve their ambitions. From small, local projects to UK-wide initiatives, its funding brings people together to make a difference to their health, wellbeing and environment. Since June 2004 it has awarded £8.5 billion to projects that improve the lives of millions of people.

The Co-op Foundation is a charity set up by the Co-op as part of its commitment to stronger communities. The Foundation’s UK-wide ‘Belong’ network aims to share learning between projects that help young people beat loneliness.

The Health Lottery is made up of a collection of local society lotteries. Each society lottery raises money for good causes within their respective areas. People’s Health Trust oversees the distribution of grants into these respective areas.

People’s Postcode Lottery manages multiple lotteries on behalf of charities and good causes across Great Britain and globally. A minimum of 32% goes directly to charities and players have raised £310 million for good causes across the country Players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes.

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Tuesday, 19 June 2018

  • Northern Ireland/Ireland

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

  • Future relationship

News story: David Bunting appointed interim General Counsel and Solicitor

David, currently working in the Cross-Government Border Delivery Group, will take up the role from 1 July, becoming Director General of the Solicitor’s Office and Legal Services Group and joining the department’s Executive Committee, reporting to our Chief Executive Jon Thompson.

There will be an open recruitment process in the coming months to fill the role permanently.

David has more than 20 years’ legal experience. He trained in the Inland Revenue and has worked extensively on tax matters, leading large HMRC legal teams dealing with tax policy and legislation in relation to UK business and environmental taxes including Corporation Tax, VAT, Customs and Excise duties, oil and gas taxation, Landfill Tax, Climate Change Levy and betting and gaming duties.

He has also led HMRC’s litigation activity, overseeing about 10,000 cases at any one time involving billions in revenues. He was promoted into the Senior Civil Service in 2008 and in 2012 became a legal director at HMRC.

In 2017 David moved to the Border Delivery Group led by Karen Wheeler, a cross-UK government team focusing on the operational and practical impacts that EU exit may have on the UK’s border.

He lives in Bristol and is married with two sons.

We will confirm any new arrangements in Border Delivery Group in due course.

News story: Veterinary Medicines Pharmacovigilance Annual Review 2016: Summary

Veterinary Medicines Pharmacovigilance Annual Review 2016: Summary
(PDF, 262KB, 6 pages)

of the key results from the Veterinary Medicines Pharmacovigilance Annual Review 2016.

The annual review summarises the 6559 UK adverse events in animals, humans and the environment after use of veterinary medicines and other products reported to VMD in 2016.

Full review

News story: Faster medicine: £56 million innovation centre for Scotland

A new centre to help companies develop processes and technologies for manufacturing medicines could benefit future generations by helping new medicines reach patients safely and quickly.

By supporting both start-ups and multinational pharmaceutical companies it’s hoped that the speed in which new medicines reach the market will increase significantly.

It is one of the biggest health challenges facing society and aligns with the leading-edge healthcare challenge – part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The project will receive £13 million from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. This funding is provided by UK Research and Innovation, through Innovate UK.

The rest of the funding for the £56 million centre will be provided by Scottish Enterprise, alongside private industry support from AstraZeneca and GSK.

Global market

It is hoped that the new investment into UK medicines manufacturing will help the country access a global market said to be worth £98 billion.

The MMIC is intended to help the UK lead the world in the development of new technologies and processes in small molecule pharmaceutical and fine chemical manufacturing. This is how the majority of medicines are currently made and the centre is intended to boost capabilities in these forms of manufacturing medicines.

UK Minster, Lord Duncan, said:

This is great news for the UK’s world-leading Life Sciences sector, and especially important for Scotland in re-enforcing its global reputation as a centre for cutting edge scientific endeavour. We need more new medicines to tackle deadly diseases more quickly, and we want to see more of their research and manufacture done here in the UK, bringing highly skilled jobs and greater prosperity with it.

Paul Wheelhouse, Scottish Government Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy added:

This will help to make Scotland the location of choice for the life sciences community and help us grow the industry’s contribution to the Scottish Economy by 90%, to £8 billion by 2025.

The centre will also be well placed to support new business start-ups and spin-outs and enable established life and chemical science companies to profit from innovation.

Centre expectations

The MMIC is expected to lead to £80 million in research and development investment by 2028 and create 80 jobs directly by 2023, with 90 created or retained by companies involved in the design and building of the centre.

A significant number of jobs are also expected to arise through indirect employment from start-ups, SMEs and larger companies that benefit from the work done at the MMIC.

Ian Campbell, Innovate UK Executive Chair, said:

UK Research and Innovation is leading the charge to bring the UK government’s modern Industrial Strategy to life – translating research into commercial success, building on our industrial strengths and sustaining economic prosperity across our communities.

The new MMIC promises to enhance Scotland’s reputation as a trusted centre for high value manufacturing, while transforming the UK’s standing within the global pharmaceutical industry.


The proposal for the centre has been developed with significant industry input. The project was led by the Medicines Manufacturing Industry Partnership (MMIP), which consists of a number of pharmaceutical companies including GSK and AstraZeneca.

The MMIP, alongside the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) in partnership with the Centre for Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC) led by the University of Strathclyde, will run the centre.

Andy Evans, Chair of the MMIP and Head of Macclesfield Site for AstraZeneca said:

Our ambition is for patients worldwide to benefit from the accelerated adoption of emerging and novel medicine manufacturing technologies developed in the UK.

Chair of the Scottish Life Sciences Industry Leadership Group, and Vice President, Head of Global Manufacturing and Supply Strategy for GSK, Dr Dave Tudor, said:

Industry, government, academia and others need to work together to secure an internationally competitive leadership position for the UK in life sciences for the long-term.