Civil news: launch of new excel escape case claim1 forms
Excel versions of the EC Claim1 forms are available online for use by providers.
Men urged to talk about mental health to prevent suicide
Health and Social Care Secretary set out actions being taken to prevent suicides in a speech at suicide prevention charity Papyrus’s headquarters in London.
Charity Commission announces inquiry into Muffin Pug Rescue
The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into Muffin Pug Rescue, over concerns about potential misconduct and/or mismanagement at the charity.
PM remarks at the CHOGM opening ceremony: 24 June 2022
Prime Minister Boris Johnsons remarks at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting opening ceremony in Kigali.
Pride Month 2022: joint statement to the OSCE
US Deputy Chief of Mission Courtney Austrian delivers a joint statement on behalf of the US, the UK, and Canada in observance of Pride Month.