Speech: Dr Liam Fox gives opening remarks at International Trade Summer School

Good afternoon everyone,

A very warm welcome to the National Trade Academy Programme’s first ever International Trade Summer School.

It’s a pleasure to be hosting this special learning programme and I’m delighted to be here with you this afternoon.

You are here today because you are the next generation of global business leaders and policy makers. With that comes the responsibility of equipping yourselves with the knowledge and skills to succeed.

This summer school will allow you to do just that. It will broaden your horizons; deepen your knowledge; and help you prepare for the exciting opportunities available in the global economy.

It is fantastic to see the range of world class academic institutions; undergraduate and masters courses; as well as nationalities that we have represented in the room today.

What you will learn across the next few days will strengthen your understanding of international trade and investment and help you to make positive contributions to the global economy throughout your careers.

I know many you have travelled from across the UK, and even further afield to take part in the summer school, but you all share a common goal – to learn more about the benefits of international trade and investment.

This is an important discipline that underpins global prosperity.

Yet trade is also more important, and politically relevant, than it has been for decades. One only has to open a newspaper to see trade flows, free trade agreements and global commercial opportunities fervently discussed and debated over.

For more than a generation now, global trade had been on a trajectory of ever-increasing openness. It has never been easier to buy and sell into overseas markets or tap into a world of knowledge and expertise.

This has brought vastly exciting new opportunities. Globalisation and new technology have not only opened up international markets, but have led directly to entire industries that, only a decade or two ago, could never have been imagined, let alone shaped macroeconomic thinking.

There is now unprecedented opportunity to engage openly in international trade and investment.

Both the concept and the practice of free trade are critically important. There is, for example, a wealth of evidence to back up a strong positive correlation between economic openness and growth.

In the 1990s, per capita income grew three times faster in the developing countries that lowered trade barriers than in those that did not.

Similarly, the OECD Growth Project found that a 10% increase in trade exposure was linked to a 4% rise in income per capita. This shows that free trade works.

Free trade agreements lead to transformational changes for businesses, industries and economies, as well as individuals. The results can be extraordinary.

One example is the EU / Korea free trade agreement, which came into effect in July 2011. In that year, the UK exported £2.5 billion of goods and services to the country. Just 12 months later, this had almost doubled to £4.5 billion, as South Koreans discovered a taste for British food and drink, cars, and luxury goods.

On a day to day basis, you and households across the UK experience the benefits of liberal trade policy.

It is the reason that you can go to a supermarket and buy strawberries in December. It is the reason that you can buy a flat screen television today for a fraction of the price of decade ago.

Consumers now have more freedom of choice than ever before.

This summer school is being held at a moment of remarkable success for this country’s exporters.

The UK’s exports are now at a record high, with exports of goods and services rising to a record value of £620 billion in the year to May 2018.

Goods exports were up 10%, driven by demand for manufactured goods, while services exports rose 4.2% due to strong global interest in the UK’s prestigious financial and travel services.

From automobiles to education, financial services to aerospace the UK is world renowned for its high quality products.

Research from Barclays Corporate Banking found that 64% of consumers in India, 57% in China, and 48% in the UAE were prepared to pay more for goods made in the UK, because they perceive the quality as higher.

That is the advantage, and the reputation, that you are taking out into the world.

As Secretary of State for International Trade I am proud to lead a department that is focused on maximising opportunities for British businesses to grow and thrive internationally. The department secures both UK and global prosperity by promoting and financing international trade and investment and championing free trade.

The department was created in July 2016 and since then has grown rapidly. We have already achieved an enormous amount.

We have established a world class international economic department, building the capability the UK needs to deliver our own independent trade policy for first time in 40 years. This will enable us to strike new trade agreements and explore new partnerships with the world’s fastest-growing economies.

The department has 3,700 staff across 108 countries. We think globally and seek to maximise our trade opportunities around the world by establishing enduring partnerships and boosting our trade relationships.

I have appointed nine new HM Trade Commissioners – senior leaders with regional remits in key markets around the world. They will champion British trade and support our work overseas.

In May we established a new International Trade Profession, headed up by our Chief Trade Negotiation Adviser Crawford Falconer, to develop a world-class trade policy capability across government, opening career opportunities and cultivating new talent. You will hear more about this later in the programme.

I convened the Board of Trade in October 2017 to meet the modern needs of businesses, exporters and inward investors across the country. Its purpose is to ensure the benefits of trade and investment are spread across the whole of the UK.

One of the initiatives of the Board of Trade is the National Trade Academy Programme, which I launched in March this year and this brings us all here today.

The programme is already delivering this Government’s manifesto commitment to forge a new culture of exporting. It is successfully building skills and knowledge through a broad range of initiatives which we have been running across the UK. As well as the summer school these include:

  • an exporting ‘Ideas Hack’ held at the University of Central Lancaster;
  • a Global Trade and Investment Seminar in Stirling;
  • the Future of Global Trade Expert Forum for academics and practitioners; and
  • an Apprentice Exchange Industry & Trade day at Aston Martin’s Headquarters in Gaydon.

We’ve had fantastic feedback from these initiatives and, as I look around me at the quality of today’s attendees, I am confident that this summer school will be just as successful.

All this excellent work, and more, will continue to provide the support needed to ensure that the United Kingdom remains one of the world’s leading trading nations.

The total value of our trade with the rest of the world is equivalent to over half of our gross domestic product.

In 2017 a record level of Foreign Direct Investment projects landed in the UK, which is a testament to the UK’s attractiveness. This is a ringing endorsement for the strength and potential of the future of the UK economy.

We remain the leading destination for inward investment in Europe.

Just last month our annual Foreign Direct Investment report showed that foreign investment created 76,000 jobs last year and safeguarded a further 15,000, amounting to nearly 1,500 jobs per week across the country.

Through our Outward Direct Investment strategy we are developing new ways to help British companies that invest and operate overseas to grow their global footprint.

Later today you will hear from the Chief Executive of UK Export Finance, Louis Taylor, who will explain how UKEF support this. They have already launched an enhanced overseas investment insurance scheme to protect UK firms investing abroad.

This is just a taste of some of the fascinating and transformative work that goes on across this department and how we are having a positive impact.

Over the course of the summer school you will have the opportunity to meet with a variety of senior officials from the department and explore these areas further.

You will hear from senior leaders from across business including Barclays, Santander and Morgan Stanley; from supporting organisations including the City of London Corporation and the Institute of Exports & Investments; as well as from companies who have achieved exporting success.

This really is an unparalleled opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding.

From your studies to date you will already know that the world’s economies are more interconnected than ever. I’m sure that many of you aspire to, and will, pursue fascinating careers in international trade and investment.

So I encourage you to embrace this opportunity. Listen to the expert speakers, ask questions, build your networks, and use the ‘export strategy challenge’ to apply what you learn across this week. There is an expert panel lined up for the final day to evaluate your export strategy pitches and provide valuable feedback to take away.

Finally, wherever your careers lead you in the future, whether you are based in your home towns across the UK, Italy, Cambodia or the Ivory Coast – one thing you all must remember is how important international trade is, not only to the UK economy, but to global prosperity.

Thank you. I have some time for questions.

News story: Welsh employment rates at record high

The Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns has welcomed the latest job statistics which highlight that the employment rate in Wales is now at a record high of 74.0%

  • The employment level in Wales is up 5,000 on the quarter and up 12,000 on the year. The employment rate is now at a record high at 74.0%, beating the previous record high of 73.5%.
  • The unemployment level in Wales is down 1,000 on the quarter and down 1,000 on the year. The unemployment rate is now 4.5%, above the UK average (which is 4.2%).
  • Total employment for the UK is up 137,000 on the quarter and up 388,000 on the year. The employment rate is now at a record high of 75.7%, beating the previous record high of 75.6%.
  • Total UK unemployment is down 12,000 on the quarter and down 84,000 on the year. The unemployment rate remains at 4.2%.

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

The record high Welsh employment figures released today are a testament to the UK Government’s commitment to creating the right conditions for economic growth and jobs in Wales.

The decision to scrap the Severn tolls and the UK Government’s commitment to increasing Welsh export opportunities for example, have not only promoted job growth but have also created sustainable employment levels that rise each year.

However, we must not forget there is still more to be done to bring down levels of unemployment. I will continue to do everything I can to demonstrate the strength of the Welsh economy to businesses worldwide, promoting inward investment and stimulating further job creation across Wales.

News story: Liam Fox delivers Parliament and the public a central role in post-Brexit UK trade agreements

International Trade Secretary, Dr Liam Fox, today set out major new proposals ensuring that MPs, the Devolved Administrations, businesses and the public can influence Britain’s post-Brexit trade, designed to ensure future agreements create prosperity across the whole of the UK.

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox said:

For the first time in over 40 years the UK will have the chance to decide who we trade with and on what terms. Those decisions must work of the whole of the UK, and that is why we are making this unprecedented commitment to transparency and inclusiveness for our MPs, the Devolved Administrations, businesses, civil society groups, trade unions and the public.

As an international economic department, we have the chance to deliver trade agreements that work for consumers and businesses across the UK. The more input we get on these, the better they will be.

Public consultations:

Dr Fox announced the government’s intention that a 14-week consultation will run ahead of any new negotiation, allowing any individual or organisation across the UK to give their view. These will be easily accessible on online to ensure as many people get to feed into the government’s work as possible.

This is longer than other government consultation periods and longer than the EU runs its own trade consultations for, giving the British public more say over Britain’s trading future.

As part of the consultations, the Department for International Trade (DIT) will run events in all regions and nations of the UK to seek their views on how prospective trade agreements could support prosperity and growth.

Expert advice:

A new Strategic Trade Advisory Group will also be created, advising DIT ministers and trade negotiators on trade policy and negotiations.

The Group will be made up of 14 experts drawn from different groups such as business, civil society and unions, with an interest in our future trading relationships and their impact on the UK – from the workplace to consumer choice and the environment.

Individuals will be invited to apply by 17th August 2018 to join the group which will meet quarterly, providing direct advice to ministers and UK negotiators.

Providing evidence:

MPs will be given the opportunity to consider the Government’s approach to negotiations and the potential implications of any agreements.

As negotiations progress, the Government will keep Parliament closely involved with regular Ministerial statements and updates to the International Trade Committee. The Government will – before entering formal negotiations – publish an ‘Outline Approach’ to each negotiation, setting out the high-level objectives and scope of that negotiation. This document will be accompanied by a scoping assessment.

Devolved Administrations:

We will work closely with the Devolved Administrations on an ongoing basis to deliver an approach that works for the whole of the UK. As part of this, we are conducting a series of collaborative policy roundtables with Devolved Administrations recognising the close interaction between trade policy and devolved policy areas.
Parliamentary approval:
Once a free trade agreement is finalised, if it changes existing UK laws, and where necessary legislation doesn’t already exist, then new primary legislation will be introduced. Parliament will also be provided with comprehensive analysis of its effects.
Importantly, Parliament will be able to scrutinise any new legislation in the usual way, as well as the ratification of all agreements through the usual procedures.

Press release: More funding for youth groups to help youngsters unlock their full potential

Communities Minister Lord Bourne has announced £250,000 to give more young people from diverse backgrounds across the country the opportunity to join national youth groups like the Scouts, Police Cadets and Guiding.

This will give more youngsters the confidence, skills and experience they need to realise their potential.
Youth United Foundation, a charity established to support a coalition of 11 uniformed youth volunteering organisations has already offered over 1.5 million young people the opportunity to develop teamwork, leadership, self-confidence and communication skills through a series of activities.

Government funding to date has helped train thousands of new volunteers with their member organisations including the Scout Association, Girlguiding, and St John’s Ambulance.

The new funding will be used to promote integration through building a national network of youth integration champions and rolling out long-term approaches to developing lasting relationships between young people from different backgrounds.

This complements the government’s ongoing work to improve integration including the recent launch of the Integrated Communities Innovation Fund, announced by Communities Secretary the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP. Working in partnership with Sport England, the Innovation Fund will support projects that encourage integration including sport.

Communities Minister Lord Bourne said:

This government is determined to ensure young people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to go as far as their talents take them.

Organisations such as the Scouts Cadets and Girls Brigade give young people unique and challenging experiences that help them unlock their full potential.

With this funding, Youth United Foundation will be able to ensure that more young people have the opportunity to gain the skills and confidence to become great citizens of the future.

Youth United Foundation Chief Executive, Samantha Hyde said:

The Youth United Foundation are delighted that funding of £250,000 has been awarded to support the work of the Integrated Communities Strategy in targeted areas of England.

It will allow us to continue our work setting up new units and groups to which will contribute to the achievement of the government’s vision for building strong, integrated communities.

We look forward to working closely with our Network and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to build on this success.

Further information

Youth United Foundation is a charity established to support the Youth United Network, founded by HRH The Prince of Wales. The Network is a coalition of 11 uniformed youth volunteering organisations, including Girlguiding, the Scout Association, the Volunteer Police Cadets, and St John’s Ambulance.

This announcement comes in the same week as the launch of new research from Youth United, “Social Integration: the role of uniformed youth groups”, which provides powerful evidence of that participation in uniformed youth groups increases integration.

Funding for Youth United Foundation will support the objectives identified in the government’s Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper, which closed on 5 June 2018. This includes encouraging social mixing amongst different groups and increasing opportunities for all young people to boost their talents.

MHCLG provided £10 million for the Youth United Foundation’s Supporting Inclusion Programme which ran from April 2012 to September 2014 to increase the number of places in youth organisations in deprived areas, and £400,000 to the Youth United Foundation in 2017 to 2018 to support the Foundation’s core costs and test approaches to social mixing for young people.

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News story: Civil Nuclear Constabulary and partner organisation win award

The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), in partnership with CMAC Business Continuity Transport, were the proud winners of the Strategy in Partnership award at the CIR Magazine 20th Anniversary Business Continuity Awards in London.

The annual award ceremony recognises the resilience achievements of individuals and organisations from across the world and the CNC were nominated in the ‘Strategy in Partnership’ Award, which recognises where two organisations have worked together to overcome a challenge.

In the face of strong competition from five other nominees, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary and CMAC were announced as the standout winners, with the judges focusing on the changing landscape in the resilience sector and the increased threat from terrorism in the UK, along with the challenges that have been faced in responding to and defeating planned attacks.

Mike Griffiths, Chief Constable and Joseph Shearer-Rust, Resilience Officer, accepted the award on the behalf of the CNC.

Chief Constable Mike Griffiths said:

“It was an honour for the CNC to receive this national award and is recognition of the hard work, dedication and commitment of all our officers and staff. With the intimate support of CMAC we deployed at very short notice over 800 officers across two deployments to 23 different Home Office force areas in a matter of hours.

“The critical element in the success of this deployment was the hard work and detailed planning which went into this contingency plan and the close working relationship we have with CMAC. They understood our needs and delivered our people to the locations from which they were able to conduct their armed policing tasks. This was truly a joint endeavour.”