Press release: Joint Statement on the reformed Electronic Communications Code

Industry, the landowner community, representative bodies and Government have come together to reaffirm commitments to the ECC and the Ofcom Code of Practice.

MobileUK, the Country Land and Business Association, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have issued a joint statement:

The reformed Electronic Communications Code (ECC) came into force in December 2017 with the aim of boosting coverage and connectivity across the UK, through a package of measures which Government expects to deliver significant cost reductions to the sector, while ensuring that landowners receive a fair payment for allowing their land to be used.

Since the new legislation was introduced, there have been problems with negotiations progressing. While some initial uncertainty is to be expected, Government, regulators, the telecoms sector, independent infrastructure providers and the landowner community, recognise the importance of all parties working collaboratively together, both during this transition period and moving forwards.

We are therefore coming together to reaffirm the commitments made to each other in Ofcom’s Code of Practice, and to reiterate our support for the Government’s ambition to be a leading global economy underpinned by world class full fibre network and 5G infrastructure. It is essential that parties engage professionally in open and constructive communications. The future needs of customers and the economy are too important for it to be otherwise.

Minister for Digital Margot James said:

It’s great to see industry and landowners committing to the Electronic Communications Code and backing our ambitions to improve connectivity and ensure Britain is fit for the future. From improving our existing networks to using the next generation of technology, collaboration is vital when it comes to building our digital infrastructure.

News story: Civil news: electronic CW3 application forms available

We have developed electronic versions of CW3 forms for providers to use when making applications for asylum and immigration work.

The excel forms are simpler and quicker to use and are less likely to be rejected.

When can I use the electronic form?

You can use online CW3 forms on all the occasions you would use a paper version for controlled work immigration and asylum applications.

Our dedicated email address for email applications is unchanged:

Advantages over paper forms

  1. Tips for submission and completion are built in to the new form helping you to avoid rejects

  2. Validation of totals reduce the necessity to add individual items

  3. Easier to see where the information we need should be inputted, including where a breakdown is required

  4. Links to the relevant guidance

  5. Form can be completed online and saved directly onto your system before you make an email submission

  6. Saves time by removing need to print and scan paper forms before you make an email submission

  7. Faster turnaround times for LAA application decisions because processes are simpler and more efficient

  8. Electronic signatures acceptable so there is no need to print completed forms

  9. User instructions available through a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ tab

Further information


Escape cases electronic handbook – to find out more about the CW3 process

Electronic CW3A(Imm) and CW3B(Imm) forms

CW3: extension of upper cost limit in controlled work cases – to download electronic CW3A(Imm) and CW3B(Imm) forms

Electronic CW3C(Imm) form

CW3C disbursement limit extension – to download electronic CW3C(Imm) graduated fee scheme form

Press release: The Parole Board is moving offices this weekend

The Parole Board is moving to new offices over the Bank Holiday weekend (25 -27 August 2018).

From Tuesday 28 August 2018, the Parole Board’s address will be:

The Parole Board for England & Wales

3rd floor

10 South Colonnade

Canary Wharf

E14 4PU

The Parole Board will share its office space with other Arm’s Length Bodies and will be on the same floor as a new MoJ hub.

The move to 10 South Colonnade is part of the MoJ Transformation Project, with the aim to use mobile technology to work flexibly and reduce the reliance on expensive office space in Westminster.

All letters sent to the old office will be forwarded to the new one at 10 South Colonnade. All our phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.

If you have any queries, please contact us:

News story: Foreign Secretary’s message for Eid-ul-Adha

Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt said:

As Muslims the world over come together to celebrate Eid, I wish you all Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak.

I am proud of the diversity of this great country, where freedom, tolerance and rule of law prevail.
I want to assure Britain’s Muslim communities that this country will always be a place where people of all faiths and none, will be free to live and practice their religion in line with their own conscience- because liberty is at the heart of our democracy.

Britain’s Muslim communities are part of the fabric of our country’s story, contributing to all areas of our society. The United Kingdom’s strength is its people. And it is our diversity, our different experiences and perspectives that creates dynamism, innovation and prosperity for all.

Eid Mubarak.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

News story: Lord Ahmad’s Eid-ul-Adha message

The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief & Minister of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon said:

I join with Muslims in Britain and across the world to celebrate the holy festival of Eid and extend my best wishes and prayers on the blessed occasion of Eid-ul-Adha.

This Eid let us remember not only does Eid-ul-Adha mark the end of the holy pilgrimage of the Hajj, it is also about sacrifice and obedience to God. The ultimate message within the story of Prophet Abraham and of his beloved son is that we should all strive towards putting others before ourselves.

So, as we celebrate with our loved ones, let us remember those the world over who are affected by conflict, hunger and great injustices.

Last month, I was honoured when the Prime Minster appointed me as her Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, to help promote inter-faith respect and dialogue internationally and to stand up against the persecution of people because of their faith or belief.

I am proud to live in a country where religion and belief is celebrated and people from all faiths and none are free to practice as they wish. Our country, the United Kingdom is an open and respectful society, a truly multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy. A country that values people’s freedom to be themselves, and practise their religion or belief, without fear, without prejudice, without persecution. Yet, we must never be complacent, be it at home or abroad, in rooting out intolerance and standing up and defending the right of freedom of religion or belief for all.

So on this joyous and special occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, from my family to yours, with prayers for peace and humanity, Eid Mubarak.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists