Science Museum to take audiences on a 500-year journey with robots (with photos)

     The exhibition "Robots – The 500-Year Quest to Make Machines Human" will begin tomorrow (November 13) at the Hong Kong Science Museum. Featuring a unique collection of over 100 robots, the exhibition illustrates how robots have been distinctively shaped by the social environments of different periods throughout the past 500 years. The exhibits will also explore the relationship between robots and humans from scientific and artistic perspectives.
     Since the 16th century, people have invented marvelous automatons based on the anatomy of the human body, with different machines built for purposes such as industrial production. With advances in science and technology, automatons have gradually evolved into humanoid robots which can vividly imitate human actions and facial expressions. They can learn, react, perform and even think. In addition to providing convenience to our daily lives, robots have played an important role in popular culture through the collaboration of art and entertainment.
     Featuring fun interactions with an array of advanced robots worldwide, visitors can understand how scientists build human-like robots with artificial intelligence and precise mechanical design. The exhibition will also display various robots that have appeared in science fiction and movies for visitors to explore what robots mean to humans.
     To supplement the exhibition, the Hong Kong Science Museum is also presenting a new local robots exhibition called "Robohelpers" at the Telecommunications Gallery. Five sets of robots will demonstrate how to weld, build brick walls, run unmanned shops, provide meal delivery service and other services. The public will learn more about how local scientific institutions apply robotic technologies in construction and commerce.
     To further enhance public knowledge on the unlimited potential of robots, the Hong Kong Science Museum invited cross-media artist and visual effects director Victor Wong to host a sharing session at the Lecture Hall of the museum on November 28. He will introduce how the first artificial intelligence artist, "A.I. Gemini", creates Chinese ink paintings.
     "Robots – The 500-Year Quest to Make Machines Human" exhibition is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum and provided by the Science Museum in London. It will run until April 14 next year at the Special Exhibition Hall of the museum. For details of the exhibition and the sharing session, please visit the website at or call 2732 3232 for enquiries.
     In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, the Hong Kong Science Museum is implementing special arrangements and precautionary measures. Please visit the museum's website at or call 2732 3232 for details.
     The Hong Kong Science Museum is located at 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East.

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