Schools are struggling to plug the massive budget deficits created by Tory Government – Angela Rayner

Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary,
ahead of
the party’s Opposition Day Debate on schools funding, said:  

“Schools are struggling to plug the massive budget deficits
created by a Tory Government incapable of running a schools system.

“On Monday we heard from headteachers who are increasingly faced
with difficult choices of whether they can afford to have classrooms cleaned,
sport pitches mowed or to keep hold of vital support staff who are essential to
school communities.   

“With three quarters
of school budgets taken up by staffing costs, the fear across the sector is
that classroom teachers could be cut next.

“At the election the Tories offered warm words to parents about
better schools and promised to protect school funding. It is clear that their
legacy will now be one of cutting school budgets, super-sized class sizes, and
no progress made in the international league tables.

“Our children deserve better.”