SCED updates Thai business sector on Hong Kong’s business advantages (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, today (May 19) met with the Thai business sector in Bangkok, Thailand, to update them on Hong Kong's latest trade and economic developments, and exchange views on further regional co-operation.

     Before attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting to be held in Bangkok this Saturday and Sunday (May 21 and 22), Mr Yau took the opportunity to meet with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce of Thailand, Mr Jurin Laksanawisit, to exchange views on strengthening the bilateral trade relations between Hong Kong and Thailand. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on strengthening economic relations in 2019, both sides desired further enhanced bilateral cooperation in various areas such as professional services including film, creative industries, tourism and advanced technologies.

     Mr Yau also met with local business leaders to update them on Hong Kong's business advantages and investment opportunities, highlighting Hong Kong's role in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative. He also visited a Hong Kong-founded logistics company, which forms part of the biggest logistics group in Asia, to learn about the development of local enterprises.

     In addition to meeting with the business community, Mr Yau paid a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Thailand, Mr Han Zhiqiang.

     This year, APEC has adopted the theme "Open. Connect. Balance.", with discussions on topics under three priorities, namely open trade and investment to all opportunities, restoring connectivity in all dimensions, and promoting balance, sustainability and inclusivity in all aspects. Mr Yau will join discussion sessions of the MRT Meeting and also hold bilateral meetings with other trade ministers.

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