SCED distributes anti-epidemic service bags in Ap Lei Chau

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, today (April 3) distributed anti-epidemic service bags to grassroots families in Ap Lei Chau, calling on the public to unite to fight the epidemic.
     Accompanied by the District Officer (Southern), Mr Francis Cheng, Mr Yau together with the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce, Industry and Tourism), Miss Eliza Lee; the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Creative Industries), Mr Clement Leung, and a dozen colleagues from the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, distributed anti-epidemic service bags to households of several "three-nil" buildings in Ap Lei Chau.
     Mr Yau said, "In the face of the fifth wave of the epidemic, medical supplies are very important to frontline staff, confirmed patients and members of the public. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Central People's Government for its full support. This has enabled the task force of ensuring medical supplies to procure large quantities of medical supplies to support various types of anti-epidemic work and distribute them to people in need through different channels."
     He said that the medical supplies, which have been procured with the co-ordination of the Central People's Government, such as rapid antigen test (RAT) kits, anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines and masks, can be distributed more extensively to households in Hong Kong, especially the grassroots families, via anti-epidemic service bags, with a view to enhancing the public's anti-epidemic awareness and ability.
     Mr Yau appealed to the public to work together in fighting the epidemic and conduct RAT every day from April 8 to 10 after receiving the anti-epidemic service bags. With the concerted efforts of society, Hong Kong will definitely win the battle.

     He also thanked a number of district organisations and volunteer teams for helping the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government distribute the medical supplies, in particular anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines, over the past month to enhance protection for the public.