SB strongly opposes and condemns unsubstantiated accusations by certain countries against National Security Department’s enforcement action


     The Security Bureau (SB) today (July 4) strongly opposes and condemns certain countries for wantonly making unsubstantiated accusations against lawful actions of the National Security Department (NSD) of the Hong Kong Police Force to list persons at large as wanted persons.
     A spokesman for the SB said, "The NSD's action is reasonable, rational and legal. Endangering national security is a very serious offence. No country will watch with folded arms acts and activities that endanger national security. It is a common practice of the Police and other law enforcement agencies to release information of fugitive offenders who have allegedly committed serious offences and are wanted, and appeal to members of the public to assist in bringing fugitive offenders to justice. This is also squarely in line with the international practice."
     The spokesman stressed, "Extraterritoriality is in fact a common feature of national security laws in many countries, including the ones of the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. Extraterritorial application vested in the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) is in line with the well-recognised international law principle of 'protective jurisdiction' and international practice. Some countries ignored the extraterritorial effect of their national security laws and wantonly made unreasonable criticisms and smeared the extraterritorial effect of the NSL and the Police's operations repeatedly. These are clearly typical manipulations tainted with double standards."
     "No country should harbour criminals. It is outrageous that wanted persons who have absconded overseas often allegedly continue to engage in acts and activities endangering national security. The relevant countries disregard the rule of law by trying to exonerate these people with different excuses, which is shameful and despicable. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will seize every opportunity to apprehend them in accordance with the law and will not allow them to evade justice," the spokesman added.

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