SB and its disciplined services fully promote National Security Education Day (with photos/video)


     Today (April 15) is National Security Education Day. The Security Bureau (SB) and its eight disciplined services and auxiliary services held various activities this year in line with the theme "10th anniversary of a Holistic Approach to National Security" to deepen the public's understanding of the work of the services in safeguarding national security and to enhance their awareness of the responsibility in safeguarding national security.

     The SB and its disciplined services jointly held a flag-raising ceremony at the Hong Kong Police College this morning, with the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, officiating at it. The ceremony started with a music performance by the Hong Kong Police Band, followed by a march-in of the disciplined services ceremonial guard. The Police flag party then marched into the venue and conducted the flag-raising ceremony with the playing and singing of the national anthem. The flag-raising ceremony was broadcast live via Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) TV 32, as well as the social media platforms of the SB and its disciplined services and auxiliary services, and more.

     Addressing the ceremony, Mr Chan said that national security is the foundation for prosperity and stability in society, as well as the well-being of the people. With the promulgation and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, its effect in stopping violence and curbing disorder as well as quickly restoring social stability in the Hong Kong community was immediate. With the concerted efforts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government, the Legislative Council and all sectors of the community, the HKSAR fulfilled its constitutional duty by completing the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law this year to improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security.

     Noting that national security education and patriotic education go hand in hand, Mr Chan said that the HKSAR Government will work with the newly established Working Group on Patriotic Education under the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee chaired by him, and will rally support from all quarters to leverage forces in four areas, namely school education; local community; history, politics, economy and culture; and media publicity, to endeavour to promote patriotic education, as well as the mainstream values characterised by patriotism with an affection for the country and Hong Kong and in conformity with the principle of "one country, two systems", with a view to enhancing the national identity and appreciation of the richness and beauty of traditional Chinese culture among the people of Hong Kong, especially the young generation.

     After the flag-raising ceremony, Mr Chan officiated at the Safeguarding National Security Cup awards presentation ceremony to commend the SB and its disciplined services and auxiliary services for holding the Safeguarding National Security Cup sports competitions, allowing participants to showcase their vitality and unity through such sports as badminton, tug of war, basketball, triathlon and floor curling, while raising their awareness of promoting national security at the same time.

     Apart from the flag-raising ceremony, the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, today also attended other national security education activities, including the National Security Education Day Opening Ceremony cum Seminar held by the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. He also showed his support for community efforts in promoting national security education by delivering keynote speeches at the seminar on national security organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organisations, and the online seminar on national security hosted by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, as well as officiating at National Security Education Day 2024 held by the Hong Kong Island Federation.

     Furthermore, the Territory-wide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge, jointly organised by the SB, the Department of Justice, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation for the first time, received overwhelming support from teachers and students. Over 102 000 students from 585 secondary and primary schools participated in the Challenge. A 30-minute programme featuring the highlights of the finals and the award presentation ceremony will be broadcast at 9.30pm today on HOY Infotainment.

     To support National Security Education Day, the disciplined services and auxiliary services of the SB held open days during the past weekend, attracting a large number of people to join. Diversified activities included Chinese-style foot drill, tactics and rescue drills, displays of firearms and equipment, and game booths. Mr Tang visited the open days one by one to encourage members of the services to keep up their good work in resolutely safeguarding national security.

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