Safer roads with better junctions

Many people tell me of the difficulties they experience getting around in our local area. I sympathise as I get stuck in the same jams. Some of it comes from roadworks, where they are best done at less busy times of year and need to be done as quickly as possible. Much of it comes from inadequate junctions.

Junctions are also the place where there is most danger, with traffic of all kinds in potential conflict with each other and with pedestrians as cars and bikes, pedestrians and lorries try to cross lanes and change direction. I am encouraging the Councils to take another look at all their main junctions with a view to making them easier to use and therefore safer.

Traffic light controlled junctions can be improved by

  1. Changing phasing of lights to reflect relative traffic flows
  2. Introducing traffic sensors to regulate phases
  3. Allowing main road priority with traffic sensors for side roads
  4. Introducing right turning and or left turning lanes to segregate traffic
  5. Allowing left turn phases on a filter .
  6. Removing lights from roundabouts or making them part time only for the peak
  7. Introducing short phase right turn off a main road with longer phase for main road with green in both directions
  8. Pedestrians to have green phase lights, phased with the road traffic lights.


Often a better choice than light controlled junctions.

Large roundabouts need clear lane marking where two or more lanes of traffic possible and permitted

I would be interested in feedback about these principles, and open to suggestions to pass on to our local Councils about how individual junctions can be improved.