Sacking the chancellor will not solve economic and political crisis, Greens warn

14 October 2022

Responding to reports that Prime Minister Liz Truss will today sack Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“Everybody knows the Chancellor was not the only one to blame for the disastrous mini-budget which has caused so much panic in the markets and turmoil to households up and down the country. 

“Liz Truss built her entire leadership bid on the economic fantasy of lowering taxes to make the rich richer. Sacking the Chancellor is a desperate attempt to avoid taking responsibility.

“The economic crisis we face will not be solved by a revised mini-budget and a resigned Chancellor. 

“To get the economic stability we need and start to tackle the cost-of-living and climate crises, we need a change of direction and the public must have its say.

“Liz Truss’ short time as Prime Minister surely has to come to an end soon and we cannot have the Tories once again deciding for themselves who should be Prime Minister from a dwindling pool of talent. The country needs a General Election.”


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