S for S visits Islands District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, visited Islands District this afternoon (March 13) to learn more about the law and order situation there and the livelihood conditions of the local community. He also called at an integrated services centre in the district.
      Accompanied by the District Officer (Islands), Mr Anthony Li, Mr Lee first met with the Chairman of the Islands District Council (IDC), Mr Chow Yuk-tong, and IDC members to exchange views on issues relating to the local law and order situation and people's livelihood.
      Mr Lee then visited the Tung Chung Integrated Services Centre of the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council. The Centre offers one-stop services and diversified activities to young people, schoolchildren, families and the elderly in the district. Services provided by the Centre include counselling and support services for youth, after-school care services for primary students, and day care services for the elderly.
      After listening to a briefing on the Centre's facilities and services, Mr Lee chatted with local young people, including non-Chinese speaking youths, at the Centre to learn about their daily life, interests and future aspirations.
      Mr Lee said he was pleased to learn that the young people had adopted a positive attitude towards life, and he encouraged them to participate more in community activities and to serve the community.

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