S for S speaks on enacting legislation on Article 23 of Basic Law


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, at a media session after attending the meeting of the Legislative Council today (May 11):

Reporter: Do you have a timeframe for Article 23 legislation? Do you hope that it will be completed within this term? What do you hope in terms of national security in the future?
Secretary for Security: Originally we were thinking that we should take the consultation in the first half of this year. But because of the epidemic situation, we have to focus on the fight against the virus. That's the reason why the work regarding the consultation of Article 23 has been postponed. Because that is also a very complicated and serious matter, we have to make sure that the new legislation is able to handle what happened in the past, in the current moment and also in the future. That is the reason why this is a very serious issue so that we have to be very cautious in working out a detailed and workable plan. We will try our best to do it as soon as possible.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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