S for S begins Vietnam visit and witnesses signing of MOU on co-operation of immigration matters (with photos)

     The Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, began his visit programme in Vietnam today (August 28). He called on the Ministry of Public Security and witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on co-operation in respect of immigration matters between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Vietnam. He also visited a Hong Kong enterprise and met with some Hong Kong people in Vietnam.
     In the morning, Mr Tang met with the Deputy Minister of Public Security of Vietnam, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, and introduced to him Hong Kong's latest situation. Both sides exchanged views on the collaboration on immigration matters and the safeguarding of public safety. Afterwards, they witnessed the signing of the MOU by the Director of Immigration, Mr Au Ka-wang, and the Director General of Immigration Department of Vietnam, Mr Pham Dang Khoa, on enhancing co-operation in respect of immigration matters of the two places.
     The MOU will enhance exchanges of experience and information in relation to immigration matters between the two places in various areas, including detecting and seizing fake travel documents, as well as preventing and combating illegal entry and exit. The two places will also strengthen co-operation on verification and repatriation of illegal migrants (including non-refoulement claimants) to enhance efficiency.
     Mr Tang said that the exchanges between Hong Kong and Vietnam in terms of trade and people-to-people connection have been increasing over the years. The signing of the MOU on enhancing co-operation on immigration matters today signified that the close relations between the two places have scaled new heights. He welcomed more Vietnamese visitors to travel to Hong Kong and come to do business. He also expressed his hope that more young talent in Vietnam will pursue their studies in Hong Kong and stay to develop their careers after graduation.
     In the afternoon, Mr Tang had a meeting with the heads of the Department of External Security, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Foreign Relations under the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, and exchanged views with them on matters including anti-terrorism and the safeguarding of national security.
     In addition, Mr Tang paid a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr Xiong Bo, and briefed him on Hong Kong's latest situation in relation to safeguarding national security, maintaining law and order, and effective cross-border control. He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam for its long-standing and strong support for the work of the Immigration Department in providing assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress abroad.
     In the evening, Mr Tang visited a Hong Kong enterprise's investment in Vietnam to learn about its operation and the local business environment. He also met with some Hong Kong people in Vietnam to know more about the socio-economic situation there and briefed the group on the latest developments in Hong Kong.
     Mr Tang will depart for Singapore tomorrow (August 29).

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