S for Housing to visit Singapore

     The Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, will lead a delegation to Singapore tomorrow (August 22) to learn more about the latest development of public housing development, community facilities and construction technologies in Singapore. The delegation comprises members of the Hong Kong Housing Authority Strategic Planning Committee, and representatives of the Housing Bureau, the Housing Department and the Hong Kong Housing Society.

     During the visit to Singapore, Ms Ho will meet with officials from the Ministry of National Development, the Housing & Development Board and the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore, as well as the local construction sector. Ms Ho will also pay a visit to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore.  

     The delegation will visit local public housing projects, new development areas and projects adopting the Modular Integrated Construction method and new building technologies.

     Ms Ho will return to Hong Kong on August 25. During her absence, the Under Secretary for Housing, Mr Victor Tai, will be the Acting Secretary for Housing.