Ruth: We can use general election to “bring the SNP down to size”

8 May 2017


Ruth Davidson has launched the Scottish Conservative General Election campaign in Edinburgh.

At the launch she will say that voters can use their vote to bring the SNP down to size, with the Scottish Conservatives the only party capable of leading the fightback against the nationalists.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“I’m setting everybody a challenge today.

“Just as we doubled our numbers of MSPs last year, and doubled our number of councillors last week, we now we have to double our efforts over these next four and a half weeks.

“Because we have a massive fight on our hands against an all-powerful SNP.

“We go into this election with one seat. They go into with 54 – and most of them with large majorities.

“Even to challenge the Nationalists in some of these seats is going to take a Herculean effort.

“Make no mistake – we are the underdogs going into this campaign.

“But we also know this.

“The SNP is not Scotland.

“And people across this country don’t take kindly to Nicola Sturgeon pretending the opposite is true.

“Across Scotland, it’s a two-horse race.

“And across Scotland, we also know people are looking for somebody to stand up to the SNP.

“So our challenge is this

“It’s to bring the SNP down to size.

“To show they can’t take Scotland for granted.

“To show that we, the Scottish Conservatives, can lead Scotland’s fightback against the SNP.”