Russia’s approval of the draft memorandum between the Russian and Slovenian governments on establishing the World War II International Research Centre in Maribor, Slovenia

The mission of the Centre will be: to study the history of World War II with an emphasis on the struggle of the peoples of Russia and Slovenia against the Nazi aggressors; to search for information on Soviet and other citizens that were prisoners of Nazi concentration camps on the territory of Slovenia and took part in the guerrilla movement on the territory of Slovenia; and to carry out joint cultural and historical projects.


Submitted by the Foreign Ministry of Russia.

The signed directive approves the draft Memorandum between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the Opening and Terms of Operation of the World War II International Research Centre in the City of Maribor, Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum and the Centre).

The Memorandum provides for establishing the Centre under private law. The Centre will operate as a non-profit organisation with due account of the contract that it will sign with Maribor’s Mayor’s Office and the city’s National Liberation Museum.

The mission of the Centre will be: to study the history of World War II with an emphasis on the struggle of the people of Russia and Slovenia against the Nazi aggressors; to search for information on Soviet and other citizens that were prisoners of Nazi concentration camps on the territory of Slovenia and took part in the guerrilla movement on the territory of Slovenia; to carry out joint cultural and historical projects of Russia and Slovenia, and to draft thematic educational programmes.

The Memorandum will remain in force for ten years after its signing and may be extended for another five years.

The signing of the Memorandum will facilitate the preservation of historical memory of the joint struggle of the Russian and Slovenian people against the Nazi and fascist invaders and their crimes.