Dmitry Medvedev’s conversation with Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

The conversation was held on the sidelines of the meeting of heads of government of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Excerpts from the transcript:  

Conversation with Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

Dmitry Medvedev: Mr Prime Minister, I am pleased to welcome you.

This is your first visit to Russia as Prime Minister, though you have been here before as a minister and you know our country well. We have an opportunity to compare notes on current issues in Russia-Pakistan cooperation in the framework of today’s and tomorrow’s event – the meeting of the SCO Heads of Government Council. This is all the more important given that next year we mark the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries. I would like to say outright that we are interested in developing the most efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation with your country both in the economy, investment, and in the humanitarian area. These days, the fifth meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission is taking place in Moscow. But even though our colleagues are meeting there, we have an opportunity to discuss our current issues directly.

Again, it is my great pleasure to welcome you in Sochi.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (via interpreter): Your Excellency, thank you very much.

I thank you for inviting us to join the meeting of the SCO heads of government. We give high priority to relations with Russia, and it is imperative for us to strengthen bilateral relations. We are impressed with the role played by Russia and President Putin and you, and we look forward to the possibility of mutual cooperation so that Russia becomes an active partner in the development of Pakistan.

Bilateral relations are developing. We are improving parliamentary interaction – just next month a State Duma delegation will visit Pakistan. It is a good step for promoting our bilateral relations. I think we should focus on expanding and developing trade relations, too.  Forty million dollars is too little for bilateral trade.

I am happy that our views overlap on most international issues. We express them at such venues as the UN and others. We work together at those venues. And we are happy to have the support you render us.

Dmitry Medvedev’s conversation with First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri

The conversation took place on the sidelines of the meeting of heads of government of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Excerpts from the transcript:

Conversation with First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri

Dmitry Medvedev: I cordially welcome you, esteemed First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Jahangiri. This is your first time in our country in this capacity, and I wish you every success.

You have established good contacts with my colleagues, and a multifaceted dialogue has been established between our countries. A trilateral Russia-Iran-Azerbaijan summit was held here, in Sochi, a week ago, and President Rouhani took part in it.

You and I met during the SCO Heads of Government Council Meeting, which is a multilateral international event. It provides a good opportunity to exchange information on Russian-Iranian cooperation in all areas, including the economy. I hope you will have some spare time to enjoy Sochi. I wish you a good stay in Sochi.

Eshaq Jahangiri (via interpreter): Thank you very much, Your Excellency, for inviting me here. I now have the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful city of Sochi. I was particularly interested in having a meeting with you, because I know that you are a very important and influential person in Russia, an experienced politician who has been both Prime Minister and President.

As you rightly noted, our relations are thriving in the political, economic and cultural spheres, and we have established cooperation on regional and international issues as well. Our cooperation with Russia in fighting terrorism, especially in Syria, sets an example of how terrorism should be fought at the international level. I hope that the summit of the three countries held here in Sochi last week will prove beneficial both for the people of Syria and the entire region. With regard to our bilateral agenda, our relations are at a high level, and our heads of state have met 12 times over the past four years.

President Putin’s visit to Tehran last month was very useful, and we hope that its outcomes will benefit our countries.

We note with satisfaction that trade between our countries grew in 2016 and the first half of 2017.

In Conversation with Dmitry Medvedev: Interview with five television channels

The Prime Minister answered questions from TV anchors Valery Fadeyev (Channel One), Sergei Brilyov (Rossiya), Irada Zeinalova (NTV), Igor Poletaev (RBC) and Mikhail Fishman (TV Rain).

Ensuring the launch of the Meteor-M Earth remote monitoring spacecraft from the Vostochny Space Launch Centre

A spacecraft carrying a foreign-manufactured payload will be launched by Russian launch vehicles from the Vostochny Space Launch Centre.


Prepared by the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities in keeping with the federal law On Space Activity.

A signed directive approves a set of measures to launch a Meteor-M spacecraft (hereinafter referred to as SC) from the Vostochny Space Launch Centre for remote monitoring of the Earth. In particular, the directive provides for the rendering of services with the involvement of Defence Ministry personnel and resources. The Meteor-M SC will be launched as part of the Federal Space Programme for 2016−2025.

The Meteor-M remote earth monitoring SC was constructed by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics named after Andronik Iosifyan (VNIIEM).

At the same time, together with launching the Meteor-M SC, the following probes will be also launched:

–         Baumanets-2 SC, built by the NPO Mashinostroyeniya, commissioned by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University for remote monitoring of the Earth’s surface in an optical wavelength band and for conducting experiments to study communication conditions through the “SC – downlink point” channel in the millimetre wavelength band.

–         LEO Vantage SC (Canada) built by the Space Flight Laboratory at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS/SFL) commissioned by the Canadian company Telesat. This SC is meant to test and approve its further usage in a global low-orbit satellite fleet in the Ka-band.

–        11 AISSat-3 SC (Kingdom of Norway) built by the Canadian Space Flight Laboratory, Inc. and commissioned by the Norwegian Space Centre. This SC is meant to receive signals from sea-craft automatic identification systems.

–        IDEA SC (Japan) built by and for Astroscale Japan Inc. for observing orbital submillimetre space rubbish.

The directive also provides for additional payloads for scientific purposes consisting of 14 small spacecraft:

–        SEAM SC built by and for the Royal Institute of Technology represented by the Department of Space and Plasma Physics (Kingdom of Sweden). This SC’s purpose is to measure the Earth’s magnetic fields for scientific purposes (and study associated processes in the geocosmic system).

–        Two Landmapper-BC type SC manufactured by the Astro Digital US Inc. These SC are designed to collect multispectral images for agricultural planning, water monitoring and land development.

–        Ten LEMUR type SC built by and for the Spire Global, Inc. (US). These SC are intended to monitor marine traffic by way of receiving signals from sea-craft automatic identification systems, to conduct weather forecasting on the basis of GPS-signal radio occultation measurements (GPS-RO) and to monitor aircraft using automatic dependent surveillance broadcasts (ADS-B) for peaceful purposes.

–        D-Star One SC built by and for the German Orbital Systems GmbH. This SC is meant to upgrade a new satellite platform with a communication link for the D-Star service, which is used by amateur radio enthusiasts.

The ability to launch SC carrying foreign-manufactured payloads with Russian launch vehicles will provide additional income for the state coffers and will free up surplus funds that can then be further invested in the development of space’s infrastructure, as well as create new orders for Russian businesses and expand cooperation in space activities. It will also allow for the implementation of programmes for advancing the space industry and creating an infrastructure for the Vostochny Space Launch Centre, including financing using extrabudgetary funds. 

Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with President of the Republic of the Sudan Omar Al-Bashir

The parties discussed the development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Sudan, including joint projects in energy, industrial production, agriculture and other areas.

Meeting with President of the Republic of the Sudan Omar Al-Bashir

Excerpts from the transcript:

Dmitry Medvedev: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome! I am happy to meet you. We spoke once on the phone in October 2010. It has been a long time since then and I am glad you are visiting Russia as the President of Sudan for the first time.

Last year, Russia and Sudan marked 60 years of diplomatic relations, which are based on a very strong foundation. Yesterday, you held talks with President Putin in Sochi. I would like to point out once again that the Republic of the Sudan is an important partner for Russia among the Arab and African countries. In the past years, Russia’s relations with the countries in the region have intensified. Our governments can also make a contribution to expanding our relations. Next month, the intergovernmental commission is meeting in Khartoum to discuss current issues. Today we are signing a substantial portfolio of documents, including two intergovernmental agreements, one on civilian nuclear power industry and another on visa-free travel for holders of diplomatic passports.

Once again, welcome, Mr President. I hope your visit to our country will be productive.

More to be posted soon…