Robert Macfarlane backs vote for the Green Party in European election

18 May 2019

Highly successful nature writer Robert Macfarlane has tweeted his support for the Green Party in the European election.

He wrote:

He had earlier released the following statement showing his support

“If you want to see an end to air pollution and an end to fossil-fuel dependency; if you want to see the recovery of biodiversity and the growth of a Green New Deal; if you believe that social justice and environmental justice are closely aligned, then I’m with you. I’ll be voting Green on Thursday May 23rd – join me! It’s time.”

Macfarlane is famous for his works that explore the human place in nature and his latest book Underland is described as a work of huge range and power, and a remarkable new chapter in Macfarlane’s long-term exploration of landscape and the human heart.

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