Rioters launch petrol bombs with large catapults and a metal ball hit the visor of a Police officer

     Rioters continue to use lethal weapons like petrol bombs, bows, arrows, metal balls and bricks to launch attacks on Police officers.
     At around 2pm, after a Force Media Liaison Cadre member was struck in the calf by an arrow, at the same time, a metal ball hit an anti-riot Police officer’s visor, right above his nose. The officer was not injured.
     Taking control of a platform near Block A of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, rioters continue to launch hard objects and petrol bombs with large catapults at Police officers. The shooting range of such large catapults can reach up to 40 meters. Such attacks pose a grave threat to the safety of Police officers, reporters and first aiders at scene. Also, a large amount of offensive weapons, including flammable fluids, are stored on the campus, jeopardising public safety.
     Police warn that the violent activities in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have escalated to rioting. Anyone who stays behind or assists rioters may be liable to the offence of “Taking Part in a Riot”. Police warn all rioters and their accomplices to stop all illegal acts and leave the campus immediately. Police appeal to reporters covering the riot to mind their own safety and not to obstruct Police action. In face of the deteriorating situation, Police once again appeal to members of the public to avoid going to the vicinity of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.