Rioters dismantle scaffolding in Wan Chai and block Lockhart Road

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     At around 2pm today (May 24), rioters dismantled scaffoldings on the roadside in Wan Chai and blocked Lockhart Road with the loosened bamboo sticks. Rioters also set barricades on carriageways with stones, potted plants and umbrellas. Police are now taking resolute action to enforce the law and have deployed minimum necessary force, including tear gas.
     Police do not condone the unlawful and violent acts of rioters and warn against all disruptions that endanger public safety and breach the public peace. Members of the public are urged to avoid travelling to the area. Residents of the area are advised to pay attention to the latest situation, stay indoors and keep their windows closed if necessary.