RFCA annual conference highlights the importance of connecting Defence with society

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The RFCA annual conference 2022 attracted delegates from across the UK membership of the RFCAs, government, politics, and industry to discuss the associations’ continued support of the nations’ Reserves and Cadets.

The 2022 Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations annual conference took place at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, Westminster, where delegates from across the UK were briefed by Admiral Sir Tony Radakin KCB ADC, Chief of the Defence Staff. The event allowed delegates to contribute to several discussions on how the RFCAs can continue to support the nations’ Reserves and Cadets.

Topics included:

  • transforming the Reserves through a refreshed Integrated Review;
  • attracting a membership that better reflects the society within which it operates;
  • supporting the single Services’ cadet organisations to enhance and further the outcomes for young people.

The day’s keynote speaker was General Sir Richard Barrons KCB CBE, who presented his view on the future of warfare and how the Reserve Forces will be a vital part of this.

President of the RFCAs, General the Lord Houghton, said:

The real value of Reserves, Cadets and the Associations’ membership is the collective contribution we make to the social cohesion and the institutional integrity that helps provide national resilience. We need to understand far better the role that we play and make very sure that we do not neglect it.

Challenging the RFCAs, Lord Houghton added:

If we want to survive as RFCAs we have got to change because ultimately, we are the custodians of a societal relationship that attempts to ensure the vibrancy of the cadet and Reserve Force elements.

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Published 18 November 2022