Revised edition of “Hong Kong Filmography Volume I” put on sale (with photo)

     The revised edition of "Hong Kong Filmography Volume I" produced by the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department is now on sale.

     Featuring a total of 670 Hong Kong movies from 1914 to 1941, the revised edition of "Hong Kong Filmography Volume I" offers important reference material for film studies experts and lets readers explore Hong Kong's pre-war movies. It provides information on 582 fiction films and 88 documentaries, including film release dates, languages, genres, cast and crew, synopses, directors' notes, remarks and songs, as well as a film list and three indices. 

     The content of "Hong Kong Filmography Volume I" has been revised based on the first edition published in 1997, and includes amendments and additions from the HKFA's latest research. Apart from including information extracted from Chinese and overseas newspapers, publications and online databases, the HKFA has enriched the content of the revised edition through different new sources, such as the HKFA's newly acquired film brochures and stills, film copies from the 1930s and 1940s found in the US, and classification documents submitted to the US authorities before films were released there.

     The revised edition of "Hong Kong Filmography Volume I" (printed in Chinese), priced at $255 and with 352 pages including 24 pages of full-colour brochure covers, is now available at the box office of the HKFA. For more details on the publication and the sales outlets, please visit
