Review report on Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir released


     The Development Bureau (DEVB) released today (April 6) the review report on the handling of the demolition works of the Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir (Ex-SSP SR) by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO). 

     The report proposes short- and medium-term improvement measures to avoid recurrence of similar incidents. Such measures include revising the relevant technical circular and issuing new guidelines to set out detailed requirements in handling items with potential heritage value (including underground structures) by works agents and the AMO, holding regular joint seminars to enhance interdepartmental communication and staff awareness of items with potential heritage value, and conducting studies on items that are not buildings or structures but have potential heritage value through the Built Heritage Conservation Fund to explore appropriate approaches to handle them.

     The executive summary of the review report has been uploaded to the DEVB's website (

     The Antiquities Advisory Board confirmed Grade 1 status for the Ex-SSP SR at its meeting in June 2021. Upon completing the temporary strengthening and improvement works for the Ex-SSP SR taking into account technical advice from the AMO on heritage conservation, and ensuring its structural safety, the WSD launched public guided tours to the Ex-SSP SR in December 2021. While the guided tours are temporarily suspended in view of the COVID-19 epidemic, the public may continue to visit and appreciate the internal structures of the Ex-SSP SR online via the WSD's 360-degree virtual tour. Having regard to the very positive public response to the guided tours, the WSD will consider increasing the number of participants when the tours resume so that more people may enjoy the heritage building, having regard to the social-distancing measures, a spokesman for the DEVB said.  

     The spokesman added that the DEVB will examine the Ex-SSP SR's long-term conservation and revitalisation plan, including by making reference to the views of the participants of the public guided tours. One option is to include the Ex-SSP SR in Batch VII of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme, so as to leverage community intelligence and creativity to identify a partner and a new use most suited for the Ex-SSP SR through an open process, with a view to enabling the public to better enjoy the place.

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