Review Group calls for views on teachers’ pay and conditions

Last year, Education Secretary Kirsty Williams announced an Independent Task and Finish Group would be set up to review current arrangements for teachers pay and conditions and consider where and how the system could be improved.

The overall aim of the group is to understand how the pay and conditions structure contributes towards a highly motivated teaching profession and a high quality education system.

The Task and Finish Group will be chaired by Professor Mick Waters who will be assisted by Professor Melanie Jones and Sir Alasdair Macdonald.

The group will report back with recommendations by the autumn.

Kirsty Williams said:

“Taking over responsibility for teachers’ pay and conditions is an incredibly important step for Wales and our education system. The English system is no longer appropriate, relevant or to the advantage of the profession here.

“Right from the offset, we want to make sure that we have a system based on the values of equity and excellence and a commitment to inclusive, public service education. This is fundamental to supporting and strengthening the teaching profession.

“I have every confidence that our Independent Panel of experts will provide the insight and expertise needed to deliver a system that can support our teachers and raise standards for all.

“It’s essential, however, that we involve teachers as part of this process and listen to their views on how we can make the new system a success.

“That’s why we’re calling on everyone with an interest, both within and outside the profession, to tell us what they think of the current system, how it could be improved and how we can create a system that is specifically targeted towards the needs of Wales and the profession here.”

To submit your views, please visit