Retail Sector Subsidy Scheme under the Anti-epidemic Fund open for applications

     The Retail Sector Subsidy Scheme (the Scheme) launched under the Government's Anti-epidemic Fund has opened for applications today (March 23).

     The Scheme's dedicated online application system (website address: has also commenced operation. To expedite the application process and minimise the time required for vetting the eligibility of applications received, the Scheme will only accept applications through its dedicated system.
     The application period for the Scheme will end at 11.59pm on April 12. As the subsidy under the Scheme is not allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis, there is no need for applicants to rush their submissions in the beginning of the application period.

     Applications will be processed concurrently during the three-week application period and will be assessed on the basis of the information provided. To avoid delays in processing, applicants should ensure the accuracy of the information provided. The Government reminds applicants that anyone providing untrue information or false documents in an attempt to receive the subsidy constitutes a criminal offence and may be subject to prosecution.

     For enquiries concerning details and the application procedure of the Scheme, applicants can call the telephone hotline (1836 111) or email to