Resumption of the Coin Cart Services


The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Coin Carts will resume service with effect from next Monday (May 11), and will visit the following locations between May 11 and 17, 2020:

Eastern District
Marble Road, North Point
(opposite to Customs Headquarters Building)
(Service suspended on May 13)
Wan Chai District
Lay-by outside Wu Chung House, Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
(Service suspended on May 13)

     The service schedules of the two Coin Carts for the period between May 11 and August 23, 2020 have also been posted on the HKMA website (
     In compiling future service schedules, the HKMA will arrange the Coin Carts to visit locations in the schedules cancelled during the period between March 25 and May 10, 2020, subject to approval by relevant authorities.
     To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, the following precautionary measures will be taken:

  1. Frequently touched areas of the coin carts, such as door knobs and handrails, will be disinfected regularly;
  2. Hand sanitisers will be provided to users;
  3. User's body temperature will be checked before entering the Coin Carts; only users with normal body temperature will be admitted into the Coin Carts;
  4. Users must wear masks at any time inside the Coin Carts; and
  5. Appropriate queuing arrangement to minimise group gathering will be implemented; users queuing outside the Coin Carts will have to maintain an appropriate distance from each other.

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