Results of Youth Employment and Training Programme Most Improved Trainees 2020 announced

     The Labour Department (LD) announced today (December 18) the results of the "Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) Most Improved Trainees (MITs) 2020" to recognise the 10 outstanding trainees who achieved significant improvements in personal development, leadership or work performance during the training period as well as to commend the caring efforts of service providers and employers. Moreover, 10 other trainees were awarded Merit Awards in recognition of their efforts in realising their career goals and dreams. Details of the awardees are in the Annexes.
     To publicise the services of the YETP and to showcase the real-life stories of the MITs, the LD and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) will jointly present a special TV programme, "A Boundless Future – YETP Most Improved Trainees". The TV programme depicts how the MITs earned recognition from their employers and service providers with their strong motivation and unbeatable spirit as well as dedication and self-breakthroughs at work. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, also showed support for the MITs in the TV programme and encouraged young people to equip themselves and grasp every opportunity amidst adversity to realise their career goals.
     The two-episode TV programme will be broadcast on RTHK TV 31 on December 19 and 26 (consecutive Saturdays) from 8pm to 8.30pm.
     Enrolment for the YETP is free of charge on a year-round basis, without minimum academic qualification requirements. Services offered include pre-employment training, a one-month workplace attachment training, on-the-job salaried training for six to 12 months, and case management services provided by registered social workers. Trainees receive personalised career guidance, job search assistance and employment support. An off-the-job vocational training allowance and a retention allowance are also provided to eligible trainees.
     For details, please visit the YETP's website at The LD has also set up a Youth Employment Services hotline at 2112 9932 to provide a one-stop enquiry service regarding the programme and to receive registrations of training vacancies from employers.