Results of online voting for tropical cyclone names


     The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) announced today (January 17) that the public online voting stage of the Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity organised by the HKO has been successfully concluded. The activity received impressive response from the public and attracted over 20 000 votes. The following 20 tropical cyclone names with the highest numbers of votes have been selected from the 40 shortlisted suitable names with Hong Kong characteristics. They will be incorporated into the reserve list of tropical cyclone names of Hong Kong, China. The 20 names with the highest numbers of votes are as follows:

Name Name in Chinese Votes
Milktea 奶茶 15 750
Tsing-ma �馬 15 127
Fo-lung �� 14 810
Dim-sum 點心 14 354
Sparrow 麻雀 13 662
Shui-sin æ°´ä»™ 13 463
Siu-lung �� 13 131
Neon 霓虹 12 713
Sing-si 醒� 12 524
Egret 白鷺 12 296
Heung-pin 香片 12 279
Hoi-wai 海� 11 717
Pui-pui �� 11 595
Sheung-si 相� 11 431
Red-bean 紅豆 11 006
Stoneslab 石� 10 940
Bak-lan 白蘭 10 616
Sampan 舢舨 10 474
Junk-boat 帆船 10 222
Treefrog 樹蛙 10 148

     The meanings of these 20 tropical cyclone names are listed on the Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity webpage. Winners will be notified via email regarding souvenir collection within January.

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