Result of Scriptwriting Incubation Programme (Phase Two) under Film Development Fund announced

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Film Development Council:

     Assessment of Phase Two of the Scriptwriting Incubation Programme (SIP) introduced under the Film Development Fund has been completed and 25 treatments have been selected to enter Phase Three. Details of the selected works are in the Annex.

     The SIP aims at identifying and nurturing local screenwriting talents and helping incubate quality screenplays, thereby enhancing the quality of Hong Kong film productions. With total funding of $8 million, the SIP is being held in the form of a competition with multiple rounds. Funding support will be provided to the respective winners of the different phases. A maximum of 10 final winning screenplays will eventually be selected. Cumulatively, each of the final winning screenplays will be awarded a total of $410,000.

     The Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Development Council, Dr Wilfred Wong, said, "More than 40 synopses have entered Phase Two of the Programme. The works are of diversified genres, creative and of high quality in content. Under keen competition, a total of 25 treatments have been selected to enter Phase Three for further development into screenplays. I look forward to seeing quality screenplays be developed for the local film industry under the Programme."

     The assessment criteria include theme, story structure, rhythm of storytelling, character design and development, ending and marketability. Each of the shortlisted candidates entering Phase Three of the competition will be awarded a cash prize of $80,000. They will also receive one-on-one mentoring from veteran screenwriters in the film industry. The shortlisted candidates are required to submit their screenplays in Phase Three. Up to 10 works will then be shortlisted for the Final Phase of the SIP, and the respective candidates will be invited to present their work to potential film financiers, film producers, film directors and other interested parties at a presentation forum organised by the Hong Kong Film Development Council.