Response to Keir Starmer Five Missions speech

23 February 2023

Responding to Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s speech setting out his “five missions” [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Keir Starmer has achieved the remarkable feat of combining lofty words with wrong-headed priorities to put our country on the road to further climate crisis and social injustice.

“His prioritisation of growth, seeking to put the UK economy at the top of the G7 table, made no mention of what limits there can be to such growth. It’s as if the climate and ecological emergencies suddenly cease to exist whenever there is talk of growth. 

“Economic growth for its own sake will mean supercharging environmentally destructive industries, when what we need is rapid investment in home insulation and clean and renewable energy.

“His call for ‘An NHS actually fit for the future’ is meaningless without a socially just plan to make social care free at the point of use, as the Greens have proposed.

“The country needs an alternative that is bold and realistic. The public wants big changes, with huge support for wealth taxes, pay rises for workers and a climate proofed economy. That is the route to a fairer, greener country.”


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