Report reveals harsh and unfair reality of Tory pay freeze on hard working public sector workers – McDonnell


McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor,
commenting on the Report to the Office of Manpower
Economics, which shows that growth in public sector pay since 2005 was
eradicated by 2015 as a direct result of the Tories’ pay freeze, said:

“This a damning report that reveals the harsh and unfair reality of the Tories’
pay freeze on hard working public sector workers. The fact that some of the
pillars of our community and the public sector such as teachers, doctors and
police officers are seeing their pay cut exposes the double standards of a
government that likes to praise their work but will not actually truly reward

“It further highlights why it is so vital that we need action immediately from
the Government. We cannot continue with more empty words or infighting from
members of the Cabinet while those in our public sector, such as nurses, are
being forced to rely on food banks to make ends meet. 

“Only Labour has a costed plan that would end the public sector pay freeze, and
introduce a £10 per hour real living wage, so that we build the high wage, high
skill economy of the future. And if the Tories are not prepared to meet this
basic test of fairness, then they should step aside and let us lead in the
national interest.”


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