Report reveals 8 out of 10 shoppers prefer Welsh

These are some of the key findings of a new report by Food and Drink Wales on the ‘Value of Welshness’. Others include: 

  • Shoppers outside of Wales believe Wales is known for good quality food and drink and would like to support Welsh food and drink. 29% would like to see more Welsh food and drink in their shops. 
  • Wales is more associated with naturalness than GB.
  • The scope for growth in Welsh products is substantial and there is strong shopper support for food and drink from Wales. The evidence suggests Welsh branding sits well with, and enhances GB branding.

Promoting Welsh food and drink, both nationally and globally, is a top priority for the Welsh Government and increasing numbers of Welsh brands are being recognised around the world. This was highlighted by the recent BlasCymru / TasteWales event, which featured buyers from as far afield as Hong Kong, the UAE and the USA. 

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths welcomed the findings of the report. She said:

“In recent years Welsh food and drink has gained a growing and well-deserved reputation for uniqueness and high quality.  This is reflected in the fact fourteen Welsh food and drink products have now been awarded coveted ‘Protected Food Name’ status.  

“We have an ambitious target to grow the industry by 30% to £7bn by 2020. Although there are undoubtedly major challenges ahead, not least our impending exit from the European Union, I am confident we can overcome them if we continue to promote the unique, special nature of our produce.  

“This report shows there is strong support for food and drink from Wales and there are definite benefits for Welsh brands by using “Welshness” to enhance their proposition inside and outside of Wales.” 

Andy Richardson, Chair of the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board said:

“It is very encouraging for us as an Industry Board to see that this research highlights the importance of Welsh provenance and underpins the confidence we have in our food and drink sector.  We are proud of what our businesses produce and the research findings from the Value of Welshness is testimony that consumers feel the same.”