Replacement steps at Pentland #dundeewestend

I recently sought an update on behalf of Pentland residents about when the second set of new steps would be completed as was advised last week as follows :

“Our contractor on this project, Tayside Contracts, are advising that are awaiting on delivery of the anti slip material they need to finish off the steps. Without this, the steps could cause a slip hazard to members of the public. We would also not be prepared to open the steps for use until they are fully completed according to the design specification. 

The material should be delivered next week and as soon as they receive it, they will assign a member of staff to finish the job. Once completed, an inspection will be carried out and assuming everything is satisfactory, the fencing will be removed.

You may be interested to know that we are currently working on trying to start the next phase of the steps this financial year. This phase will concentrate on replacing the steps between Pentland Avenue and Pentland Crescent. The same standard of specification will be applied to this phase as was used on the steps between Pentland Crescent and Colinton Place.”

I am pleased to say the steps were completed and opened last Friday.