Reopening of Water Supplies Department H2OPE Centre

     The Water Supplies Department (WSD) announced today (April 20) that with a view to resuming public services under the COVID-19 infection control measures in place, the H2OPE Centre (Water Resources Public Education Centre) will be reopened tomorrow (April 21).

     Upon its reopening, special arrangements will be implemented at the Centre. To avoid gathering of crowds and maintain social distancing, the number of admissions to the Centre will be limited. If the number of visitors inside the Centre has reached the limit, admissions will only be allowed when there are visitors leaving the Centre. Guided tours of the Centre will continue to be suspended. Except for exempted persons, all visitors entering the H2OPE Centre will be required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" app to scan the venue QR code and to comply with the requirements of the Vaccine Pass and other infection control measures. Children aged under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.