Reminder for Hong Kong residents with quota under Return2hk Scheme before their return

     "Return2hk – Travel Scheme for Hong Kong Residents returning from Guangdong Province or Macao without being subject to quarantine under the Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation (Cap. 599C)" (Return2hk Scheme) began accepting quota applications yesterday (November 18).  Up to 5pm today (November 19), over 10 570 quota applications for the 7-day period of the following week have been received through the online booking system.  Of these around 9 240 applications were for returning to Hong Kong through the Shenzhen Bay Port while around 1 330 applications were for returning through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port.
     To ensure that immigration clearance would be smooth at the boundary control points, Hong Kong residents who have successfully reserved a quota should pay attention to the necessary steps to take before returning to Hong Kong and make sure all the specified conditions have been met, including:

  • Not having been to places other than Hong Kong, Guangdong Province or Macao in the past 14 days;
  • Undergone a COVID-19 (RT-PCR) nucleic acid test at one of the medical institutions mutually recognised by the governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong/Hong Kong and Macao, such that he/she can present the proof of a valid negative nucleic acid test result upon arrival in Hong Kong. The sample should be taken within three days prior to, or on the day of the person's entry into Hong Kong.  For example, if a Hong Kong resident takes the test at a recognised medical institution on November 20, the negative test result will be valid until November 23.  He/she should therefore return to Hong Kong with the test result on or before November 23, or otherwise he/she will still be subject to 14-day compulsory quarantine. The list of the 39 recognised medical or testing institutions in the Guangdong Province is available at; whereas the list of the four recognised medical or testing institutions in Macao is available at   
  • Trasmit the valid negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test result to the electronic health declaration system of the Department of Health through "Yuekang code" (粵康碼) or "Macao health code" (澳康碼), and fill in all other required information for completing the health declaration within twenty-four hours before arriving at the boundary control point and obtain a "Green" QR code to be exempted from the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement upon their return to Hong Kong.  If a QR code of a different colour (e.g. a "Pink" QR code) is received after the code conversion process, it means not all the specified conditions have been fulfilled, and the traveller may still be subject to the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement upon entry into Hong Kong; and
  • Return to Hong Kong on the date and at the boundary control point as specified in the booking, and bring along the Hong Kong Identity Card or other identification documents, the confirmation of a successful booking (i.e. a printout of the booking confirmation page) as well as the proof of a valid negative nucleic acid test result (paper or electronic copy are both acceptable).

Re-entry into Guangdong Province or Macao
     The Government spokesman specifically reminded that, if returning Hong Kong residents would subsequently enter the Guangdong Province or Macao again, they would still be subject to the prevailing quarantine arrangement of the two places (e.g. 14-day compulsory quarantine), unless exemption has been granted for them separately.  They should therefore take note of the latest quarantine arrangements of Guangdong Province and Macao, and make necessary preparations.
Self-monitoring of health conditions after returning Hong Kong
     The spokesman stressed that Hong Kong residents who can fulfil all the specified conditions and are returning to Hong Kong under the Return2hk Scheme should still exercise self-monitoring of their health conditions for at least 14 days after their entry into Hong Kong. They should observe the points listed in the "Health-monitoring Checklist for Inbound Travellers". If they feel unwell, they should seek medical advice promptly and reveal their travel history to medical practitioners. They may proactively make a request to their doctor for testing when there is any suspicion.

     Details about the Return2hk Scheme are available at the "COVID-19 Thematic Website" ( or å›žæ¸¯æ˜“.政府.香港). Members of the public may also call the Return2hk Scheme hotline at 3142 2330 if they have any enquiries.