Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg


Good afternoon. I am very happy to receive Prime Minister Erna Solberg today. When it comes to close partners, you simply cannot find one that is closer to us than Norway. And today such partners matter more than ever.

Our relations are close and stable. What keeps us together is more than just economic interests. What is important for the European Union is important for Norway, and vice-versa. Today I expressed my appreciation to the Prime Minister for the new, forward-looking strategy her government recently adopted regarding the EU, which reflects this spirit of cooperation.

We took stock of our bilateral relations, including within the European Economic Area. The EEA agreement has demonstrated its strength over the years. It has served both the EU and Norway well. It is here to stay and will be safeguarded from other current developments. We know that Brexit raises important questions also for the EEA EFTA countries. As close partners and friends, we stand ready to assist you in your talks with the UK and to keep you duly informed of the process ahead.

In our discussions today, we confirmed our commitment to the further strengthening of co-operation in the field of security and defence, including between NATO and the EU.

We also discussed our continued commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and to the Middle East Peace Process. We touched on the Western Balkans, in light of the successful Summit in Sofia, and on the complicated situation we are witnessing in Turkey. I am happy to consider Norway an ally in all these efforts.

I also want to acknowledge the personal engagement of the Prime Minister on international development, as you have demonstrated again this morning in your address at the European Development Days. And we appreciate your commitment to the future of our oceans, and look forward to working together with you on this.

In the area of energy, we share much common ground. Norway remains a key supplier of gas and oil, but is also a partner in developing other sources of energy. Our close cooperation is crucial for the EU’s energy security and for the Energy Union. And we are both determined to implement the Paris Agreement.

Tusen takk!