Release of Interim Report of Commission of Inquiry into the Construction Works at and near the Hung Hom Station Extension under the Shatin to Central Link Project

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, received on February 25 the Interim Report submitted by the Commission of Inquiry into the Construction Works at and near the Hung Hom Station Extension under the Shatin to Central Link Project (the Commission). The Government released today (March 26) the Interim Report in redacted form.
     In commenting on the release of the Interim Report, Mrs Lam again expressed her deep appreciation to the Chairman and Commissioner of the Commission, Mr Michael Hartmann, and the Commissioner of the Commission, Professor Peter Hansford, for their dedicated work.
     "I have personally studied the Commission's Interim Report. The Commission's determinations have understandably assuaged our concern during the past few months about the structural safety of the relevant construction works. Nevertheless, as the Commission has pointed out, the entire episode has not yet drawn to a close. There are a number of ongoing collateral investigations. Moreover, there remain extensive public concerns. We consider it appropriate to exercise particular caution. I have therefore accepted the advice of the Secretary for Transport and Housing and his professional colleagues, including the advice of the Expert Adviser Team comprising three retired senior government officers, that the MTR Corporation Limited should continue to implement its proposed Holistic Assessment Strategy for the Hung Hom Station Extension, with a view to completing it as expeditiously as possible," Mrs Lam said.
     The Government's redaction of parts of the Interim Report is based on legal consideration to avoid any prejudice (actual or perceived) to any ongoing criminal investigations and any potential prosecutions of any criminal offences in the future (if so decided to be justified after the relevant investigations). The Government understands that the public would like to see the Interim Report in full, and the redactions to the Interim Report have been kept to a minimum as permitted by law. The Government will release the Interim Report in full after the relevant criminal investigations and criminal prosecutions (if any) have been concluded. This is to safeguard the fairness of the criminal justice system, in accordance with the public interest.
     The Interim Report in redacted form has been uploaded to the GovHK website (