Registration open for 2019 Connections UK wargaming conference


This year’s conference will be covering topics such as ‘The psychology of wargaming’; ‘Wargaming hybrid operations’; ‘Quantitative vs. qualitative gaming’; ‘Selecting and using Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) and Modified Off The Shelf (MOTS) games’; ‘Data capture, visualisation and analysis’; ‘Automation within wargaming’, and ‘Wargaming the Future’.

Further attractions include two keynote speakers, an introduction to wargaming course and a Games Fair. The conference provides hands-on experience of a large number of game designs and tools, and opportunities to network with many of the world’s leading wargaming professionals.

Attendance is a must for officers, analysts, academics and anyone with an interest or involvement in wargaming or conflict simulation modelling.

For further information on Connections UK 2019 and previous conferences please visit: Professional Wargaming

There is a single cost of £90 which provides admittance to all three days of the conference. To register sign up at Connections UK

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